Chapter 1

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The elevator dings and you sluggishly make your way into the bullpen. It is 7:00 in the morning, but it feels like the middle of the night, your head still foggy from your lack of sleep.

"Well, somebody had a late night," Morgan says as he notices your zombie-like behavior.

"Yeah," is all you say in response as you drop your bag next to your desk.

"Ooo, my girl," he says as he gets up and moves over to lean on your desk. "Who was the lucky man?" he asks, effectively getting everybody in the room's attention.

"Not like that," you say as a blush starts to creep onto your cheeks.

"Oh, I forgot you're batting for the ladies' team," he says with a chuckle. "So who was the lucky lady that had Agent (Y/L/N) up all night?"

"Cut it out Morgan," Emily says from her desk. "Some of us are capable of spending a night alone."

"Don't hate the player, hate the game," Morgan says with a wink. Emily rolls her eyes at him as he moves back over to his desk.

"Have you ever met a girl you wanted to be with for more than one night?" Reid asks, and Emily, Garcia, and JJ all laugh.

"Reid, you're supposed to have my back," Morgan says, obviously offended.

"I didn't mean it like that," Reid quickly says. "I just mean, in today's world the whole act of having sexual relations without a romantic connection isn't very beneficial due to the..."

"Let me stop you right there Reid," Emily says. "I don't know about you, but every once in a while having the pleasure without the relationship can be very beneficial." Everybody nods in agreement, all except you, who had grown uncomfortable with this topic of conversation.

"I'm glad you see where I am coming from," Morgan says.

"A hookup every once and a while is ok," JJ chimes in. "But you take it to the extreme."

"Yeah," Garcia says. "At the rate you go through girls I'm surprised you're not a father by now."

"Babygirl? You're ganging up on me too?" Morgan asks, hurt obvious in his voice. "Come on (Y/N), can you back me up here?"

When Morgan says your name and pulls you into the conversation you feel completely out of your comfort zone. Whenever the topic of sex comes up, you try to become invisible and hope that they forget about you, and it usually works, but not this time.

"Well, uhm," you say nervously. "I think there are pros and cons to both, you know." With the whole team's eyes staring at you, all you want to do is escape.

"I'm going to get some coffee," you say quickly as you stand up and move to the kitchen.

You trudge over to the coffee pot and grab a cup. But the whole time your mind is preoccupied.

You feel so embarrassed not being able to talk as freely as the rest of the team. What kind of person in their mid-twenties knows so little about sex.

"Are you ok?" you jump as you hear Emily's voice. You realize that you had just been standing at the counter, the empty coffee cup in your hand.

"Yeah," you say shooting her a smile as you grab the coffee pot and start to pour it into your cup. "I'm good, I'm great."

You place the pot back down and start to walk back to your desk, but Emily reaches out and gently touches your arm, causing you to stop.

"Hey," she says as she looks you in the eye. "You know you can talk to me."

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