Chapter 7

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*Story jumps POVs a lot, hopefully, it won't be too confusing.*

It's about halfway through the day when your phone starts ringing. As you pick it up you don't recognize the number, but you answer it anyway.

"This is SSA (Y/L/N)," you say as you put the phone up to your ear.

"Hey, (Y/N), it's Maya from the coffee shop," you hear on the other side of the phone. "I'm on my break, so I figured I would call so you could have my number."

"Hey," you say with a smile. "I'm glad you called."

"You are?" she asks, and you can hear the surprise in her voice.

"Yeah, I am. I wanted to ask you to dinner tonight. Cases come up randomly so I don't know when I'll be free again. How would you like to do something?"

"I would love that," she says excitedly.

"Good," you say. "I'll text you with the details?"

"Yes, I'll be waiting."

"Ok great. Bye."

"Bye (Y/N)," she says and you hang up the phone with a smile.

"Who was that?" you hear Emily ask from her desk.

"Maya," you say before getting up and walking away.

"Maya?" she asks as she gets up and follows you. "The girl you just met this morning."

"Yes, Maya," you say, not turning your attention to her as you pour yourself a cup of coffee.

"You're making plans with a girl you just met this morning?" she questions and you let out a huff in response.

"I'm sorry," you say as you turn to her. "Is there a point you're trying to make because as my friend I don't think you have any input on who and when I chose to date."

The two of you stand there for a moment just staring each other down as you wait for Emily's response, but it doesn't come. Instead the next thing you know she is grabbing your face and slamming her lips against yours in the middle of the BAU. Luckily though nobody else was around at the moment.

You quickly push her away before you can allow yourself to be pulled back in by the kiss.

"What was that?" you ask, still stunned.

"I...I don't know." Emily stutters out.

"Em," you say quietly as you run a hand over your face. "I can't do these mixed signals. Do you have feelings for me or not?"

"It's complicated-"

"No!" you practically yell, but you catch yourself as somebody walks past you two. "No, it's not, Emily. It's a yes or no question, and I need an answer or I'm done."

"Yes," Emily says under her breath, almost so quietly that you don't hear her.

"Then why are you pushing me away?" you ask, and you see a shine of tears form in Emily's eyes.

"Because I just can't," she says.

"Can't what? Admit your feelings?"

"I can't be with you," she says, and it takes all of your strength to not show how much her words hurt. "Not right now."

"Well don't expect me to sit around and wait until you can." You grab your coffee and quickly make your way back to your desk.

You try to push your conversation, and Emily as a whole, to the back of your mind all day. Instead, choosing to focus on the date that you had planned for that night. Maya texts you periodically throughout the day trying to figure out the details and every time her name would light up, you would smile.

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