Powers and Abilities Explain

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-A few Hours later-

Midoriya opens his eyes to see the sun hurting his eyes and covered it with his arm. He sit up from a bed to see himself in Infirmary, all bandaged up.

???: Relax now kiddo, you still need rest.

Midoriya looked to see who say it and it was none other than Recovery Girl. Midoriya lay back down to the bed.

Midoriya: Thanks Recovery Girl.

R.G.: Just doing my job. *Sigh* But seriously your just as reckless as All might.

Izuku chuckled: I get that a lot. Hey how are the others?

???:Their fine.

He looked to see Aizawa, Nezu and All might coming into the room.

Aizawa: Your the one most hurt out of the group. It was unnecessary to head straight for battle.

Izuku smiled: I know. But someone must filled in the gap of All Might's retirement.

Nezu: Well that speech and action certainly did it. There are some people who hated it but mostly people seemed to be inspired by it.

Izuku chuckled more: I don't care what they say. I just wanted to make a point for everyone.

Nezu: About what Young Man.

Izuku smiled: That anyone can be a hero, even without a quirk.

All Might: I understand that you want to inspire people, but you didn't have to injure yourself for it young man. Not to mention other people, like Endeavor would have done it for you.

Midoriya looked All Might with a 'Are you serious' look.

Izuku: Do you really think people would like the guy more because of his pissed look.

Nezu chuckle: True, but people have their way of inspiration.

Aizawa: Speaking of which why did you say that 'I have no power to begin with'.

Izuku started to frown and looked at the others so that he can give him an answer.

Izuku: Well, you see...

-Some time later-

Izuku got out of the infirmary so that he can see his classmates. He got a lot of explaining to do. Aizawa told him that the others finished their part of the training and are waiting in the dorms for him. He walked there with Midnight, Aizawa, Vlad, Recovery Girl, Nezu, and All Might behind him. When he opened the doors he was then crowded out by his classmates.

His Classmates: Midoriya/Deku!

Iida came first doing his signature robot hands

Iida: How are you feeling?! Are you hurt badly?!

Kirishima: Dude, that was amazing. So Manly!

Bakugou: Deku! You better explain yourself right now!

Izuku nervously smiled.

Izuku: Ok, ok I'll tell you just come down. Let's have a sit so that I can explain.

They entered the living room, when the heard the door open to reveal some new quest.

Izuku: Ah your back here. Glad to see you can still walk.

Mirio: Yeah well I'm still a bit shocked that you manage to touch me while I use my quirk.

Izuku: I underst-

He was then interrupted by a periwinkle haired girl who got up to his face asking questions.

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