The Quirkless vs the #1!The new hope for the world!

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We go back to where deku's group and Endeavor are at and see them still being shocked at what they are seeing. Izuku Midoriya, who fought all the top heroes single handily, and showing Japan that he is battling them quirkless. They believed this because the student is wearing a quirk dampening collar that was stolen from a police station two nights ago.

Ojiro stunned: Guys, are you seeing what I am seeing.

Tokoyami: Yes, but I still don't believe it.

Izuku smug look: Oh you better believe it! Because as of today, I'm going to start a new era!

Endeavor: Don't get cocky kid! And don't underestimate me!

The Fire Hero then launched a wave of fire at Midoriya but the kid uses his fire martial arts to send the fire away from him and his group. He then starts running towards Endeavor to do close range combat. But Endeavor release a wall of fire the boy to get some distance.

Endeavor: That's a stupid move kid. You can't handle the power of my flam-

Endeavor was then punched right in the face and launched back away from the fire wall. When he looked around to see who punched when he saw that the kid is walking through the fire covered in a black color.

 When he looked around to see who punched when he saw that the kid is walking through the fire covered in a black color

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(This but its Izuku)

Izuku: Your flames are strong, but as long as I have haki, I won't be taken down easy.

Endeavor growl at the moment and created balls of fire around him. He starts firing them at Midoriya but he was able to dodge some of them and if he didn't, he would move it aside with his Firefox style. Midoriya rushed at Endeavor again and punched him again with a hakified punch sending back away from his group. The intention for doing this is because he didn't want his friends to get injured for a really powerful attack.

Endeavor was then getting back up to continue fighting and seeing if his target is intact which surprised it is. He looked forward to see Midoriya a few feet away from him.

Izuku smirking: So how's it feel to be losing to a quirkless?

Endeavor irritated: I am not losing. And I won't let you win!

Izuku: Then go all out! My group is far away from here, so give me your best!

Endeavor did, as he began creating flames from his hands and spin it around. This causes the flames to spiral, creating a powerful whirlwind of fire. It goes towards Midoriya and he tried to stop the fire tornado but it was to big thus making Midoriya engulfed in flames.

People were scared that Midoriya was burnt to a crisp but he just walks out of the fire, tho he is now injured.

Endeavor: You have enough hero.

Izuku smiling: Of course not. Heroes push things through to the fullest. So I decide not no longer hold back.

Endeavor annoyed: what do you mean?

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