An Interview! Ideal of Freedom!

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(All right, thats for this chapter! Sorry if it took me a while. I have school to deal with and it distracts me from doing. And this chapter is inspired by hotpancaje37's story. So anyway I hope you enjoy the chapter. And Happy Thanksgiving.)

Midoriya and his friend went back to the dorms, he was confronted by his friends saying about the recent music that they watched. Midoriya dodges the embarrassment by saying that it was one of the girls that are part of the straw hats and nothing more. While believable, some people, mainly Mineta, didn't believe that lie.

The next morning Midoriya left for another day at his internship and was confronted by crust.

Midoriya: An interview?

Crust: Yes! But it's to be expected after all a lot of interviewers want to talk to you more about yourself and your ideals. Especially after your *fake cough* outbreak through the last interview.

Izuku: Ok then when will the interview start?

Crust: In a couple of hours in fact.

Izuku: WHAT?!

Crust: I tried rescheduling but these guys can't wait and take no for an answer. Reporters are always eager to interview the moment they see fit.

Izuku: Really. Now I see why Aizawa hates them.

-Couple of hours later-

???: Hello, my name is Kizuki Chitose.

Izuku shakes the woman's hand and walked to an area where they could comfortably start the interview with two sofas. He walked to the room with two reporters namely the blue skinned woman named Kizuki and the guy back at the last interview, Taneo. Both came for the same reason, being that they want to know him better for their articles.

Midoriya is now sitting oppositely from the two interviewees in front of them.

Izuku: So which one of you wants to go first?

Taneo replied with a generous face.

Taneo: Like any gentleman would say, lady's first.

Kizuki smiled kindly: Thank you Taneo. Here's my first question: What is your quirk? Because to a lot people taking a liking of you, they were curious of what your power is.

Izuku: Well my quirk is at first a strength quirk, but after some experience I found out my quirk resolves energy around my body, thus allowing me to grant superhuman powers and an electrical appearance around me.

Taneo: And how have you found out about it?

Izuku: Well I was working on a gadget with a friend and when I was close to the electrical currents while activating my quirk it was working like I was some kind of battery.

Kizuki: Could it be dangerous to other people?

Izuku: No, not without any hero gear. Normally when I used my quirk it wouldn't be effective, but with hero gear I can make electrical attacks like one of my classmates.

Kizuki: I would also like to mention that people I know say your quirks are equally as strong as All Might.

Izuku: Well, quirks get stronger each generation so it wouldn't be a shock I have a stronger quirk.

Kizuki: Right and I would like to ask why you wanted to be a hero, even without a quirk.

Izuku: Well, I guess I don't know. I just have the feeling of helping people in a way they need. Regardless if I don't have the power or not.

Taneo: And why be one now if you have no quirk to begin with.

Izuku: Well that's the point. All Might may have said those words, so I turned them into reality.

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