One For All!Straw Hat Bounty!

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Uraraka : Wait, what do you mean your quirkless.

Izuku: It's just as it is. I am quirkless.

Iida: But you have a quirk. You shown it many times when we were training.

Izuku: Well that was my quirk, but not technically.

All might: Young Midoriya, are you sure you want this. You know the consequences of telling this secret.

Aizawa: All might, I know you want to everyone safe but this is his choice. And what he said is true, then we don't have any traitors here.

Momo: Mr. Aizawa, what's going on? Midoriya, what's this secret they are talking about?

Izuku: Well, I wasn't born with this quirk. It was given to me by All might.

Everyone, even midnight and Vlad (since they didn't came to R.G. Office), were surprise by the fact that Midoriya's quirk was given by the #1 Hero.

Bakugou yelling: Deku! What the Fu-

Aizawa wrapped bakugou with his scarf to shut him up and activated his quirk.

Aizawa: Bakugou, shut up and let him finish.

Bakugou calm down and shut up while glaring at Midoriya.

Iida: O-ok Midoriya, what do you mean by it was given to you.

Izuku: Well, its time that you know about my quirk. One For All.

Izuku: It was born at the beginning of everything we have now, the dawn of quirks. An Era where quirks weren't called normal, laws and human rights were argued from both sides, and society decade.

Nezu: It was a harsh moment of history, everyone. People were scared and there was little people who called themselves heroes.

Izuku: Yeah, and the one standing at top of the era, and almost became a ruler of Japan at his time. All for One.

Kirishima: W-wait? If All For One was born then, how can he still be alive now?

Izuku: There are many quirks with unique abilities Kirishima. So there are quirks All For One can steal to lengthen his life longer. But lets forget to mention that he can give people quirks that he stole. People trusted him or have him submit to his will by altering their powers. Soon, to those that couldn't take the quirks they were given, they were mindless beings unable to speak or think, just like the Nomu's.

All might: And quirks were evolved from him, by combining them with other quirks.

Kendo: But what does it have to do with Midoriya's quirk.

Izuku: You see, All For One had a quirkless younger brother. He was small and weak, but had a great sense of justice. The two couldn't be more opposite. The little brother resisted to join forces by All For One, even do hunger strikes to show he won't accept him. But then All For One transfer a quirk to his brother, an ability that would allow him to stockpile power.

Iida: N-no way. Don't tell me.

Izuku: Yes, even though everyone thought he quirkless, he did have a quirk that he didn't know about. A seemingly useless quirk that allows him to pass on quirks as he wishes. And when the two quirks he now has, One For All was born.

Everyone was stun by what Midoriya is saying. They just couldn't believe it.

Izuku: However, the younger brother tried to defeat his brother, but to no avail. So he decided to entrust this quirk to future generations, to hope that someone would complete its sole purpose. To defeat All For One.

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