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Dear self,

First of all, welcome to the ripe age to ascend into full-time maturity.
Hope you'll take it with all of your ability.
Actually, 23 is such a big number, and now it's yours.
And let me spoil you, that the reality of life begins at this age.

Well, I know you've seen the world already, and by that I mean the world outside your parents' house —I know you've never traveled around you poor thing—.
Just keep in mind that's not something everyone does.
You may not feel it but it comes with a certain privilege, so keep telling your stories like you do, to help make the world a little smaller.
And most importantly, keep your curiosity, it will serve you well !

I know you will always think of yourself as "the quiet one" who don't talk much, and the girl who always sits alone in the corner for too long, but you are so much more than your appearances let on.
As people say, "you are the quiet observer taking it all in."
Your independence is a strength, but at the same time don't be afraid to ask for help, or to let others into your life.
Just because you can do it alone, doesn't mean you have to.

I know you're worrying about catching up with everybody else and banish these notions of "lagging" and "too late."
Your life is just going in a different direction than most of the people you know.
And that is a something you will be more and more profoundly grateful for as each year passes by.
So please, stop worrying too much.

I know you don't think your parents are as young, hip, or cool as other parents, and already warmed up to this and gone beyond the surface.
Rest assured your parents and grandparents have fascinating stories when you're ready to dig deeper.
Just don't wait too long !
Life moves fast and comes with its own curveballs.
Spend as much time as you can with each one of them, since you still have the chance to.
And never forget the importance of family. Always keep them close to your heart.Stay humble by constantly reminding yourself of your roots, and where you came from.
Your parents have certainly prepared you well, but that doesn't make anything on the road ahead easy.

I see how you're more focused on figuring out what you don't want to do, rather than what you want to do.
There's a whole world out there, and it's great to be open to possibilities you never knew existed.

I know you know you've got a stubborn side too. But whatever path you take, never stop learning.
You probably think learning is what you do in school, but it happens in so many ways.
So surround yourself with people you can learn from, and don't be afraid to reach out to people who can be your mentors.
I know this concept is newer to you, but you can learn a lot from the experience of others.
In college I know you'd reach out to professors from time to time, but don't be afraid to build and foster these relationships so they're there when you need them down the line.
I have faith that you'll still carve your own path, it's just a reminder as a strong, fiercely independent woman you don't have to do it alone.
You have amazing friends who are there for you too. --Yeah, I know I've said that before, but take it as a reminder !--

The world around you moves fast, but that doesn't mean you have to get stuck in the hustle where "busy is a badge of honor."
Take it at your own pace, as you always have.
You do you.

Of course, there are a lot of distractions out there.
If you're ever feeling lost, return to what you know and what brings you joy.
Life's an adventure, so you may as well have fun along the way !

Lastly, please, if you don't mind, for the sake of your own good, for the sake of your own health, get enough sleep at night, eat healthy, workout and moisturize your skin on a regular basis.
Seriously, it won't take you too long.
Just do it !


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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