Chapter 10: The White Knight

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Just as I was about to text my old friend, some of the guards at Castle Charming informed me that the King and Queen has summoned me. I went to pack some of the things I needed for my job as a Royal Guard and went to the Castle to meet up with the King and Queen and their beloved daughter, the princess, my princess... and my best friend, Darling Charming.

Just a quick introduction, HI! My name is Katherine, but you can call me Katie all my friends call me that, or you could just call me Kat.

Darl and I have been friends for a very long time, she and I are basically like sisters, we grew up togerher since my father was the King's right hand man and we were play mates.... sort of. I used to babysit her all the time while the king and my father are discussing some adult stuff, I never really knew what they were talking about since we weren't allowed to go inside the King's office. I was only a few years older than Darl she was only 6 when we met and back then I was only 14.

Darl and I were supposed to have the same destinies, which is to be a damsel in distress aparrently. Well my destiny is actually divided in to two I could choose wether I want to be a royal or a rebel, My Father- the White Knight has always wanted me to follow my Mother's destiny which is to be a Damsel but you see, I AM no damsel in distress, I am quite the opposite. And to be honest I barely even know my mother, all I knew is that she once was a royal who married a rebel (AKA my father) and then she was banished from the world of all fantasies just because she followed what her heart desires.

Ever since childhood I wanted to follow my dad's destiny instead of my mother's since I barely even know her, and growing up I idolize him. He was a single father, he raised me all on his own and he basically became both a father and a mother to me.

My father has always been supportive of me, although sometimes he keeps saying if only it were his choice to make he would want me to be a damsel rather than a rebel like him. He was the very best father a girl could ever ask for. Until one day I received a terrible new from the kingdom.... My father got into an accident, my life changed ever since then.

He survived of course but it cost him his leg, he was never able to fight along side the king ever again, The Great White Knight has fallen. After the accident Darl and I haven't talked much, we still see each other every once in a while since I am still her babysitter. I enlisted as a squire for the Knight Academy to become just as great as my father once was.

Four year has passed since the accident, and every family week Darl and I would meet at the Enchanted forest, It is where I let her become her truest self, without anyone stopping her. I saw myslef in her to be honest, and I trully believe that she can be something far more greater that just becoming a damsel. I always believed that she is destined for something far more greater.

"When I grow up, I wanna be just like you Katie!" She cheerfully said with full confidence "Oh yeah? Why would you wanna be like me?" I asked "Well... you're strong! And confident, and just like your father you are brave and very talented warrior, that's why I wanna be like you when I grow up!" I smiled at her as she hugged me "You're the only person I could trully trust, and the only person who understood me better than anyone in the world" she started to tear up and I remembered that I was graduating soon which means I won't be seeing her for a very long while.

"Please don't leave me! I don't want you to go away Katie! They don't understand me like you do, they'll make fun of me" she said while crying at my shoulders, I felt really bad leaving her but this is what I've always wanted and I am so close to becoming the greatest Knight in the world.

"Hey, I thought you said you wanted to become like me one day, you can't be a warrior if you kept crying over little things. Besides it's not like I'm dying right? I'll be gone for a while but we'll still see each other someday" I said while smiling at her and wiping her tears off.

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