Chapter 2: Apple's True Love

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Darling's POV

I was a little terrified when the Evil Queen has taken over the whole school. Apple was poisoned she's fallen asleep waiting for her Prince Charming "It's not too late! I can still fix this, no more curses and evil" Raven ragefully said as she plans to go with her mother "Raven there has to be another way! Giving in to your mother won't wake Apple. That's what you want, isn't it? To save our friend?" I said then I looked at Apple "Only the right kiss can set her free– Daring's" [mirror chimes] "Free Daring" suddenly Daring was released from the booking glass.

"Daring there you are quick kiss Apple so she can wake up" I said and we all nodded waiting for him to do his thing. He just stood there horrified and kept screaming "Don't look at me I'm hideous!!" Yep he is daring alright. Honestly I didn't want him to kiss Apple because I have feelings for her but He is the Prince of Destiny so yeah. Daring then fixed his hair and was prepared to kiss Apple as our friends are cheering for him while he walks tlward Apple

"I am Daring Charming here to fulfill our destinies and live Happily... Ever *kiss* After" he smiled expecting that Apple would wake up "ehehe Ever After *kiss* he keeps kissing Apple but nothing works

We all gasped "He isn't Apple's Prince, what are we gonna do now" Ashlynn said. Apple sits then stopped Breathing, I ran to her and see if she has a pulse "She's not breathing and no pulse!!" That's when it hit me if Daring can't wake Apple maybe I can so I covered her nose and did a CPR on her.

[All gasped] "Apple!" Ashlynn shouted then I saw Apple opened her eyes. "*Gasp* what's going on? Did daring wake me?" Apple asked and smiled at him Daring just stands and everyone is looking at Apple and I awkwardly.

End of Flashback

It's been a couple of weeks since I kissed her but she still doesn't know about it.

It felt a bit wierd for me but also happy to know that I am Apple's True Love. "Apple over here" Raven invites apple over our table. I panicked a bit but trying to be just myself. "Where's Daring?" Raven asked Apple and Apple started shouting. "Ugh! Why does Everyone keep asking me the same question!?" Everyone at Castleteria stares at Apple "I said that one loud didn't I?" Apple said embarrassed.

Raven walked Apple out of the Castleteria. They were talking about something then they went out together.

2 Hours Later

"Darling!! You have to come with me now!!" Raven said catching her breath so I come with her. Everyone is staring at me and a I saw a paper Everywhere "Oh My Wand! No! This can't be happening!!" I shouted I started to cry who on Ever After would do this to me!? I crumpled the paper and thorn the other papers I was so angry I run back to my dorm lock myself and not letting anyone in.

 Everyone is staring at me and a I saw a paper Everywhere "Oh My Wand! No! This can't be happening!!" I shouted I started to cry who on Ever After would do this to me!? I crumpled the paper and thorn the other papers I was so angry I run back to m...

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"What would I do now? If Apple sees this she could be mad at me worst she'd feel so awkward and she would stop beeing friends with me!" I keep crying the door locked and the window is half closed.

Oh no Everyone knows about Darling's secret who on Ever After would do this to her? Will Apple see the picture around the school or would this stay as a secret keep reading to find out. Keepsafe Everyone 💜

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