Chapter 7

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A man burst through the doors of the house which only Y/n and Rose had been in for the past few days. Y/n couldn't hide the fact she was worried for the two men. "Rose!" The man spoke and walked to the woman in a threatening manner. "Where's Ethan! Who are you?" He snapped and the girl winced slightly. "With my husband killing Miranda. I'm the woman who raised Ethan" She stated simply. "Husband who's this husband you're talking about?" The man asked and looked at the baby who was drinking from a bottle.

"Lord Heisenberg... one of the four lords here. He's with Ethan and they've been gone for a few days but I trust they'll return soon" the woman explained and Chris sighed. A woman walked in the house and Y/n had just finished feeding the baby and the woman took her from Y/n's arms. "You must be Mia" she spoke softly and the woman looked at her. "And you must be the mutant who cared for my husband since he was a child..." she spoke and Y/n nodded her head. "You need to come with us Ma'am" the male spoke and Y/n looked at him. "I can't leave... not without my husband what type of wife would I be?" Y/n asked simply and the male sighed. "It's it almost certain your husbands are dead!" The man snapped and the two women looked at Chris before stepping back. "Mia you're welcome to stay here with me until they get back" Y/n offered and Mia nodded her head. "Why are you sure about staying here? What if they don't come back?" Chris asked and Mia sighed. "Because I'm pregnant and I don't want to leave my baby's father! That man is my husband yes he's annoying as hell sometimes but I love him to death hell I let him inject me with some stupid parasite so we didn't age anymore so he didn't have to see me grow old and die!" Y/n snapped at the man who had multiple guns.

The door opened once more to reveal a very bloodied pair of men. "She's dead... truly dead" Karl spoke and Y/n couldn't help but begin to cry as Mia ran to hug Ethan. Y/n grabbed a wet cloth and cleaned the blood off of her husbands face and he was more worried about her crying. Chris watched everything and sighed softly. "We need to get you guys out of here" he restated and Y/n sighed softly. " no... this is my home sure you don't see it yet but all these lycans they're people... and I promised them after this was over they'd be normal again" y/n spoke and Karl sighed softly.

"Leave, You Ethan and Mia go home with your little girl... I want to have my life here with my husband and we can go from there..." she spoke softly and Chris shook his head. "This place is rigged so explode." He stated and y/n took a deep breath in. "Let me grab a couple bags please" she stated simply grabbing only the necessities. Karl helped her pack and grabbed what she'd need especially with her being pregnant. He gently took her hand leading her out of the house and onto a large cargo plane with Ethan and the others. She in the time of them getting to the plane did she turned a couple townspeople human and they joined them. Women and children and a couple men. Chris seemed surprised about how easy it was for her to reverse the mold's infection.

"Have you always been able to do that?" Chris asked and y/n nodded her head. "Since I was born... lycans, dogs, wolves, zombies.... I can control them" she explained and Karl was simply holding her close as they were in the air a good ways away from the town before she looked out the window and saw the bomb had gone off. "And our families shall finally rest no more monsters... no more blood shed" she whispered and Karl nodded her head. "I want to take you back to the BSAA." Chris stated and Karl raised his eyebrow at the other. "No... absolutely not you're not going to experiment on my wife and or unborn child because she was born with the gift." Karl stated and Chris looked confused.

"My mother was just one of the beings created form Eveline... she was sent here for mother Miranda and well she got pregnant for one of the men in town and I was born. I was born with the abilities I have. It's coded into my DNA" Y/n had to explain and Mia clearly looked worried hearing the name. "So you people are the lady living links to Eveline and Eva..." Chris stated looking at the group. "Yes..." Karl spoke softly and rubbed his wife's back quietly. "I'm less worried about my wife's ability to reverse the mold I'm more worried about the fact she's pregnant with her first child and she's on a plane with a bunch of people who want to experiment on her" Karl snapped and Y/n smiled he'd his hand to calm him once more. "Settle down its okay... they aren't cruel monsters like mother Miranda" she whispered and he sighed softly. Y/n closed her eyes to relax a bit before falling asleep on the plane.

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