Chapter 8

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Y/n still had wet hair as she stood in front of the fridge. She pulled some meats from the fridge and she tightened the belt around her robe. Karl walked behind his wife and gently rubbed her stomach gently. She laughed softly and kissed his cheek. "Chris picked some good clothes out for the two of us I'm surprised you haven't gotten into some yet" he spoke softly rubbing her back. "This robe is so comfortable... but it seems as I'd hate to say we need a couple things from the store" she explained softly and he smiled softly. "Come on beautiful" he cooed softly taking her to the bedroom and she picked out some clothes to go out in. "These are not something I'd see myself in... I'm well a couple months..." she stated softly before sighing and going to the bags and grabbed one of his shirts from before. She tied the ends of the buttons together to shorten it slightly before pulling some pants on.

"With all these new clothes you still pick mine" he teased softly and put on a simple long sleeve shirt with some pants. "Of course I do. Chris doesn't realize I won't fit these in a couple months even for how cute they are I have a human growing inside of me" she muttered holding her belly slightly. He laughed softly kissing her forehead. "Come on love gets some shoes on I'll take you to the store" he whispered and she smiled pulling on some socks and shoes. He sighed and gently led her down the street to the small town. Almost a village... she took a deep breath in and saw people walking around. Walking to the market area and the people there looked surprised. "Are they the new people they warned us about?" One whispered and sighed before walking up to Y/n and Karl who was looking at fresh vegetable. "Hello... ma'am you're very beautiful" the young girl stated and Y/n turned around to look to them. "Hello, you are too hun thank you" Y/n cooed happily and held her husbands hand lightly. "I've never seen you here before... are you those royal people from the other villains Chris told us about" the girl asked and Y/n sighed softly. She replaced the face of worry with a small smile. "Yes you can say something like that... we were given a gift and we prefer to use it in a human way" Y/n spoke and the girl giggled quietly. "Oh look the royal guests are here" the woman called loudly getting all sorts of attention on the couple. "Hey no no please don't do that" Y/n stated softly but at the point the woman was practically teasing the two and Y/n narrowed her eyes at the woman before smirking slightly. "See I hold power more power than you think. I can be the fall of you and your family you'll be the reason you lose everyone you love so I suggest you back the hell off" y/n snapped and Karl grabbed her pulling her back to his side.

"My apologies... my wife is pregnant and she's full of mood swings sadly you messed with her she has quite the mouth doesn't she" Karl spoke and grabbed some of the vegetables.  "Don't apologize for me maybe this cunt needs to watch her mouth or Rather who she's talking to" y/n stated and the younger girl backed away and ran off. "At least I didn't lie... I can kill her and this entire village in a couple minutes" she stated quietly and Karl laughed quietly. "We are not recreating our home that just exploded..." he stated quietly and she helped him pick out items for their dinner. "I think you proved your point... especially since you were trying to be nice and she did it to herself don't worry" he spoke softly paying for the items. The salesman looked at the two. "I'm sorry... I caused a scene but I just didn't feel welcome thank you for such beautiful vegetables " Y/n spoke looking at the man and he nodded before smiling warmly.

"Isn't she so beautiful... god she could be a goddess.... Look at him... they're gods... I'd pray to look like that.... They have powers maybe if we ask we can be like them" there were whispers going on and Y/n gripped her husband's hand tightly before looking at the Jewelry tables. "A married couple... how cute. Maybe a new ring for the wife" the woman spoke and Y/n laughed softly. "I don't know she picked her ring out herself she couldn't get over how beautiful it was" Karl spoke and Y/n looked at her ring. "I don't need a new ring especially when my husband made sure to was made form the finest materials" she cooed softly and he kissed her forehead. "What about this" the saleswoman spoke softly picking up an amulet and Y/n examined it closely.

"It's beautiful" she spoke softly and the saleswoman smiled softly

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"It's beautiful" she spoke softly and the saleswoman smiled softly. "It's yours... a welcoming gifts for two famous Lords" the woman's voice seemed to crack a bit as she laughed. Y/n looked at her husband and he gently took the amulet. He didn't feel any sort of connection to it but he walked away from the table after thanking the woman cautiously. Y/n gently reached over grabbing the amulet. She stopped walking and she felt dizzy. The amulet glowed within her hand and she looked at it looking around quietly. She put the amulet on and she cleared her throat. "Let's just get home in not feeling to well... I think baby sickness is getting to me again" she muttered quietly and her husband nodded his head slightly. "Of course love I'll help make dinner" he reassured and walked her home and she drank some water. Carefully the two cooked a meal and Y/n grabbed the amulet seeming to drift off into space. She stood staring out the window for a decent amount of time her expression blank

"She's not dead.... Karl she's not dead! That crazy hag she's not dead! she's not dead!" The male's wife screamed as she took the necklace off and held onto him tightly. He looked concerned with the others sudden outburst and even more feeling her tears soaking through his shirt. "Who's not dead my love..." he asked quietly and looked at his wife. "Miranda..." she whispered and looked at him and he looked surprised. "My love it's alright no she's really dead I promise... Chris's people have her crystallized heart" he reassured and y/n shook her head. "No! No! She was talking to me through that thing! She was calling to me I'm... scared" she whispered quietly and the male picked up the amulet and put it away. "Hey let's eat and then get you to bed you seem frazzled it's alright" he whispered and she nodded slightly. The two sat down and began eating but Y/n just didn't look well. Her face was pale and her lips were even paler. He looked concerned but again she could just be anxious with the move.

He gently brought her to the bedroom and laid her in bed. She laid back and he tucked her into bed. He laid next to her pulling her in gently so she felt safe. Soon enough the sun had fully set and Y/n was asleep in Karl's arms. That was until she heard a tapping and she carefully got out of bed she walked to the door and Mother Miranda stood in her doorway. "My dear child... I don't want your children with My son... but I need your help..." she whispered and Y/n wasn't afraid it was like she couldn't be. She felt warm in the woman's presence as she was reaching out to strictly her. "Come on beautiful child... let me show you what we need to do" she whispered and gripped Y/n's hand and walked towards the woods with her and there was a cave where no one else was. "You my sweet girl... you aren't only someone who can get rid of the mold... you can create it." Miranda spoke and looked at the dazed girl knowing she wouldn't help her in if she was in the right mind. "I need you to create more so I can create my Cadou my lovely girl... wouldn't you want those people to beg on their knees for you... you'll be a god" she whispered to the dazed girl as the fell to her knees scrapping them before touching the ground the ground began turning back and the substance covered the walls and almost seemed to be breathing. "Good girl" she cooed softly and helped Y/n to her feet. "You'll forget everything that happened tonight little one let's get you and my grandson back to my son" Miranda spoke leading the girl back to her house where Y/n with bloodied knees stumbled into the house and made her way back to bed.

"My love where we're you?" He asked softly and looked at the girl who's as in pajamas. It was dark so he couldn't see her scraped knees. "I had to pee really bad... the baby is pushing against my bladder" she muttered quietly getting into bed with her husband and he rubbed her back gently. "You seem off are you alright?" He asked and she nodded her head hiding her face in his chest. "We're having a baby boy" she muttered and he looked at her confused. "Love we can find that out for a couple more weeks." He spoke softly and she hummed softly. "Mother told me we're having a little boy" she muttered and he watched the girl fall back asleep in his arms as the night went on. After her words he wasn't able to fall asleep again simply holding his wife gently.


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