Chapter 10- The Party

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Yes yes okay its short but fun things happen so enjoy aha also I know its late but shhhhhh sometimes I'll be late sorry man.

This chapter is dedicated to my absolutely rad af friend @mkelly985 bc she's great and supportive <3

Monday came and went rather uneventfully- Dan was home sick, so Phil had to actually focus in class. (Not that he exactly did that, as he kept playing the events of the weekend over in his mind, but it was close enough)

The rest of the week was also quite dull, although it was littered with constant messages between Dan and Phil. They didn’t actually talk in person, though, because they knew their friends would absolutely make fun of them mercilessly. 

Friday started the same as the other days- boring classes, teasing friends, pizza for lunch, and joy at the end of the day. The normality didn’t last, though, as Louise dragged Phil back to his house to help him get ready.

“What kind of look do you want for tonight?” She asked, rifling through his closet and drawers briskly.

Phil shrugged, hesitantly replying, “Something casual, I guess? It’s just a party, after all.”

“Just a party?” Louise pulled out a button down shirt, before throwing it back in the closet, “This is far from just a party! You could get with the guy you like, Phil, and we all know you could use some action.”

Phil glared at her indignantly, and she burst into laughter. “Come on, we need to get you looking cute for your date!”

“It’s not a date!” Phil hits her in the arm, before continuing, “I don’t even know if he’ll be there!”

“I know he will, Zoe promised,” she replies nonchalantly, grabbing a New York City sweater and scrutinizes it as she holds it up to Phil’s body. 

“Fine, but I probably won’t talk to him anyway. He’s straight!” Phil protested as Louise placed the jumper on the bed.

“I think that jumper looks great, number one, and two, do you know he’s straight?” Louise cocked an eyebrow at Phil, before rifting through his dresser to find skinny jeans to match.

“Um… well… I mean, he’s never said anything to give the opposite impression, so I’m pretty sure,” Phil muttered.

Louise threw him a knowing look as she pulled a pair of clean black skinny jeans out of the drawer and threw them at Phil. “I’ll be back at 7 to pick you up! I still have to get ready, but you better get pumped and be ready when I get here.”

“Bye?” Phil responded questioningly, as Louise was already almost out of the house.

He lay back on his bed for a few minutes playing Crossy Road, then went downstairs and ate some crisps. 

After an agonizing several hour wait, Phil was dressed and ready by the door when Louise swung by in her blue mini cooper with a white racing stripe. Phil practically ran out to the car, his black hair getting a bit mussed up.

“Eager, are we?” She asked as she smoothed down her yellow skirt and examined her blue crop top.

He shook his head, before reaching over to change the radio. “Of course not, what would I be eager for?”

“Just… oh, I don’t know… seeing the boy you’ve nonstop talked about for the past week?” Louise teased,.

Phil mumbled, pulling his head down into his jumper, “Shut up.”

“Alright, if you insist!” she chirped in reply, pulling up the Suggs' driveway. “Heads up, this party won’t be huge or anything- only about 15 people that you know, so you should feel pretty comfortable.”

Phil nodded as the two got out of the small car and headed into the large suburban house.

As soon as they walked through the door, they were attacked with hugs from a tipsy Zoe. “Helloooooooo!” She squealed, pulling them into the basement, where a circle of other students was playing truth or dare.

Phil scanned the faces, seeing loads of familiar and friendly people. Hannah, Grace, and Mamrie all waved at him, the three probably slightly drunk already. Alfie, Marcus, Caspar, and Joe all grinned at him, and Tyler and Troye also smiled as the two entered. Phil noticed Dan was perched a bit awkwardly on the edge of the circle, between Jack and Finn Harries and Naomi Smart. Phil ended up between Connor and Louise, which he was very comfortable with. 

A few rounds of the game passed by, and Zoe had just been dared to give Alfie a lap dance, which she did with very little shame.

Zoe spoke up, “My turn! Dan, truth or dare?”

“Um, I guess truth?” Dan muttered, playing with his fingers uncomfortably.

“Do you like anyone in the room?” Zoe asked, raising her eyebrows questioningly.

Dan looked up in a bit of terror at her, stuttering, “Uh. I guess?” 

Jack slapped him on the back, throwing him a grin, before almost shouting, “Your turn, mate!”

Dan asked a silly question to Louise, who immediately turned to me and asked me, “Truth or dare?”

I rolled my eyes at her, and answered, “Dare, I’m not a wimp like you.”

“I dare you to play 7 Minutes in Heaven with whoever Zoe picks!” Louise squeals, grinning at me.

Zoe smiles, and chooses…

Of course I leave you on a cliffhanger, when don't I?


Tess who wrote a chapter based on literally no experience I've been to one party and I left immediately yay for being antisocial

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