Chapter 14- Cuties

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Hi hello enjoy some fluff etc.

To: Dan Bear <3

You want a ride to school tomorrow?

From: Dan Bear <3 

Of course, Lion!

To: Dan Bear <3

Great! I’ll pick you up at 7:30 and we can grab breakfast before school?

From: Dan Bear <3

Sounds perfect

To: Dan Bear <3

I miss youuuuuuu

From: Dan Bear <3

I miss you like crazy

To: Dan Bear <3 

I bet I miss you more

From: Dan Bear <3

Nuh uh

To: Dan Bear <3

Yah huh

From: Dan Bear <3

Nuh uh. Call me?

Phil grinned to himself as he opened up Dan’s contact in his phone, pressing the call button quickly. Dan picked up on the first ring, his voice low with a happy undertone as he said, “Hey.”

“Hey Bear,” Phil replied, hoping his voice was steady and not shaky like it tended to be whenever he talked to Dan.

“I miss you way too much to wait until tomorrow to see you,” Dan whined.

Phil smiled gently at Dan’s proclamation, responding with a soft voice, “I miss you too, so so much.”

“Can I see you today?” the younger boy asked, hope lining his voice.

“I want to. A lot. But you know how I get together with Louise every Sunday to catch up. It’s kind of tradition. She would definitely be less than thrilled if I cancelled without a good excuse,” Phil sighed. He adored Louise, he really did, he just sort of wanted to see Dan more.

Dan fell silent for a few moments before perking up considerably and offering, “I could maybe go with you? Only if you want to, I mean. Louise is friends with both of us. Maybe she could be… you know… the first to know?”

Phil agreed with almost no hesitation, “Great idea, Dan. I knew there must be some reason I liked you. But… well… what exactly would we tell her?”

“Oh. Um, I mean. Yeah. What exactly are we?” Dan asked hesitantly, his voice shaking slightly.

“I think we should definitely figure that out. I mean. I know what I want. But I honestly have no clue if you want anything near the same thing,” Phil muttered, growing more unsure of himself with every second of silence passing.

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