Chapter 12- Dan's House

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Hey hello so here have some cute af fluff loves <3 It's short, as usual, because I wanted to leave you on an... interesting note (you'll see)

This chapter is dedicated to @dark_thyme_lord because their comment made me laugh (yes puns make me laugh okay sh)

Phil drove back to Dan’s house quietly, humming quietly to Starlight by Muse. Dan grinned excitedly as he started singing the words at the top of his lungs, laughing at Phil’s shocked reaction.

“You like Muse?” Phil asked in surprise, following the instructions on his phone’s GPS. 

Dan scoffed, “Of course, what kind of person doesn’t like Muse?”

“Favorite album?” Phil questioned, rounding the corner to Dan’s house.

Dan shot back briskly, “Easy. Origin of Symmetry.”

“No way! Me too,” Phil bounced a bit in his seat.

The tinny voice of the GPS announced, “You have reached your destination,” as Phil pulled into the driveway.

“Welcome to my humble abode,” Dan attempted an over exaggerated posh accent, trying to bow but falling on the grass of his lawn.

Phil giggled as he helped the older boy up, “Thank you, Prince Charming.”

Dan walked up his porch steps, pulling Phil with him, ignoring the tingling feeling that was running up and down his spine. 

When they came to Dan’s room, Phil smiled brightly. “It suits, you, Dan, although it is a bit dark.”

Dan looked over at his black and grey bedspread and his black headboard, the dark piano in the corner and the grey and black furniture, admitting, “Yeah, I guess it is.”

“Do you have fairy lights anywhere?” Phil asked, glancing towards the headboard.

“Yeah, I have a box in the corner of my parents room, why?” Dan cocked an eyebrow at Phil’s odd question.

Phil commanded, “Go get them, por favor.”

“Okay, but don’t ever try to speak Spanish again,” Dan snorted, as he dashed across the hall to grab the box. Phil sat on the edge of Dan’s bed, playing Crossy Road absently until the sophomore returned.

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