Chapter 1- A Slip of Paper

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A/N Hey guys! This is my first ever fanfiction, so it probably sucks, but I'm trying. This is like a short lil teaser to make you possibly interested in my story. Please comment and vote if you like it because I want to know if I should maybe continue it??? I don't know ^-^ Enjoy!

Emma Blackery walked over to Dan Howell, pulling her boyfriend Luke Cutforth by his arm. "Oyy asshole, what do you think of my hair?" She asked jokingly, pulling Luke down with her as she plopped on the grass next to the oak tree they met at every morning.

Dan glanced up from his French notebook, then assumed a fake posh accent, "Emma! Dahhhhling! It looks simply dashing! I especially love the seaweed look."

Luke nodded along with Dan, "Ah, and Daniel, I simply adore the black scheme you have going here."

"Shove off," Dan muttered, lightly hitting him in the arm, "Some people are trying to do actual work, not that you would know anything about that."

Emma snorted, "Somehow, I think you're busier making heart eyes at that senior again."

Dan pulled his brown fringe over his eyes, and retorted, "Can't make love eyes if I can't see, now can I?"

Luke raised his eyebrows, "What senior, Howell?"

"No one," Dan muttered, at the same time as Emma remarked matter of factly, "That Oakley kid".

"Tyler?" Luke looked questionably at Dan. "Isn't he dating that Sivan guy?"

"Yeah. Troye. They're essential the most adorable couple in the school," Emma replied bluntly. "Sorry, Dan."

Dan rolled his eyes and turned back to studying for his first period quiz in French.


When the teacher handed out the textbooks they shared with the senior level French class, Dan was already incredibly bored. After the quiz, Mr. Chapman began his lecture in French, which no one understood at all. Dan flipped through the pages, laughing silently at the ridiculous images of smiling potatoes and overly emotional soap operas about rain falling and pigs.

Dan was just snickering at the awful drawing of a dead cat, when he noticed a little slip of paper peeking out of the next page. Dan flipped quickly to see what it was.

Reminder to self: make sure own cat doesn't die of TERRIBLE OCTOPUS EXPLOSIONS!!!

The note was written in a semi neat scrawl. This little slip of paper piqued Dan's interest, and left him curious as to who wrote this. It seemed a little bit childish and silly, and Dan found it slightly adorable, to be honest.

He flipped to the inside cover of the book, where the names were written, and the condition of the book. Dan skimmed the page until he found the name written right below his: Phil Lester. Dan smiled to himself when he saw a small cat drawing next to his name.

Maybe I'll see what I can find out about this Lester kid, Dan thought. But first, I think I'll write a reply to his little note.

Dan flipped back to the page bookmarked with the note, and simply added: "Cats are obviously immune to octopus explosions. Clearly you are my intellectual inferior."

Dan looked up to see five sleeping students and Mr. Chapman continually droning on, just as the bell rang. Dan slid his book back on the shelf, and found that for the first time, he was excited to go to French the next day.

Hey hello so that happened :P Comment if you want (sorry I'm new to this whole thing) and I hope this doesn't suck as much as I think it does! I'll update every Monday, probably, unless I decide to upload more.

This chapter is dedicated to the lovely @leafylester who read this and helped me edit it. She's one of the absolute best writers I know, you should all go check out her one shot book.

Peace out home scouts,


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