Chapter 13

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Lena Luthor was surprised when Alex entered her office.

"Alex, is everything okay?" Lena asked.

"Yeah, I just need to borrow the transmat portal watch that I know you stole from Lex." Alex said.

"Okay, not even going to ask how you know that, but I kind of feel like this is one of those situations where I'm going to need more information before I just give it to you." Lena said.

"I need to get to the Fortress." Alex said.

"Then why don't you just ask Kara to take you?" Lena asked.

"Because if this is something that I don't want her to know about." Alex said.

"Why?" Lena asked.

"Because she'd try and stop me if she knew what I was up to." Alex said.

"Alex, are you going rogue?" Lena asked.

"Lena, you know about Kara's father." Alex said.

"How he's stuck in the Phantom Zone yes, I do, why?" Lena asked.

"J'onn and Kara want to wait until after we've taken the time to plan out a rescue mission, but honestly, considering how much we don't know about the Phantom Zone, that could take months and Zor-El has been separated from his family long enough." Alex said.

"Wait Alex, are you saying that you want to go into the Phantom Zone alone, using the phantom zone projector Superman keeps there?" Lena asked.

"Yeah, pretty much." Alex said.

"Okay, I may not be a soldier, but all the time I've spent around you and J'onn and the rest of superfriends have taught me a few things about military tactics, the first one being you don't jump into a situation like this blind without backup." Lena said.

"I don't have a choice. Kara is driving herself mad with worry about her father and I won't let her go back there herself. She was stuck for years Lena, the Phantom Zone is her personal hell, being stuck there again is one of her greatest fears." Alex said.

"And the only thing that scares her more than the Phantom Zone is losing the people she loves and you are near, if not at the top of that list Alex. I finally got Kara to trust me again. If she finds out that I helped you essentially get yourself killed doing this, she'll never forgive me and I'll never forgive myself and you know I'm going to be telling her about this." Lena said.

"Lena please, help me do this for her." Alex said.

"Alex, why do you want to do this for her?" Lena asked, now trying to understand why Alex was so desperate to go to what she was led to believe was one of the worst places in the universe and honestly a place she'd like to send her brother, an idea she'd have to run by Kara now that she thought about it.

"Because I know what it feels like to lose a father for years, only to find out he's alive and being held in a place that is worse than being dead and Kara did everything she could to help me find him and she's currently doing that now. After that and everything else she's done for the world, how can I not do this for her." Alex said.

"You're going to do this with or without my help aren't you?" Lena asked and Alex nodded as Lena sighed as she took off her watch.

"I'll give this to you on two conditions." Lena said.

"Name them." Alex said.

"You have to let me blame all this on you when Kara confronts me, let me tell her that I tried to stop you, but you wouldn't take no for an answer." Lena said.

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