Chapter 17

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Not sure if you guys heard this yet, but Mon-El, James and Winn will all be returning for the series finale.

"Wait, what do you mean you're Mxy? You don't look anything like the creep who stalked Kara." Mon-El said defensively, since he didn't believe that this guy was Mxyzptlk, but if he shared that imp's intentions, which were to make his girlfriend his wife, he already hated him.

"Oh it's me Mon-El and I hope that there are no hard feelings between us for the whole me trying to steal Kara away from you, but I mean come on, Supergirl, how could I not want her?" Mxy said.

"You are Mxy." Kara realized.

"In that case, please tell me the Tower has some kind of fifth dimensional dampener so I can clobber him." Mon-El asked.

"Booting it up now." Winn said, since he and Lena had in fact set that up.

"Wait, I come in peace." Mxy said.

"Yeah, sure you do. I seem to recall you endangering the general public and nearly killing Mon-El just to get me to marry you." Kara said.

"Yes, that was a bit over the top of me, but I am here now to help you, since the rulers of the fifth dimension have decreed that I am grounded in a manner of speaking." Mxy said.

"Grounded?" Winn asked.

"As in due to all the chaos I have called, I cannot use my magic unless it is to atone to the people I wronged and you are the last one. And to prove I am serious, here." Mxy said as he handed Kara a recorder.

"What is it?" Kara asked.

"A recording of me saying my name backwards as an insurance policy, since I am now required by fifth dimensional law to provide it. Go on, test it." Mxy said and Kara nodded as she pressed the play button and sure enough, they heard Mxy's voice say Kltpzyxm and sure enough, he vanished.

"Okay, are we really buying this?" Mon-El asked.

"Mxy's magic could be the key to getting Alex and my father out of the Phantom Zone without any of us having to lift a finger. Especially since we now have confirmation that he was telling the truth about the recorder. If he tries to turn on us, we can send him away, but he won't, since he said it himself, until he's cleared his debt to me, he can't use his powers." Kara said.

"She's right Mon-El. Mxy may be a pain, but he could be useful." J'onn said.

"Okay, but I don't trust him." Mon-El said.

"Oh don't worry, none of us do, but it's a risk worth taking." Kara said and Mon-El nodded.

"Mxy, you can come back now." Kara said as the imp reappeared.

"Thank you. So, how can I help you?" Mxy asked.

"I want you to use your magic to get my sister and my father out of the Phantom Zone." Kara said.

"Ooh, no can do." Mxy said.

"What do you mean? I thought you said that you'd do anything I asked to clear your ledger?" Kara asked.

"And I will, as long as it does not violate the laws of the fifth dimension, one of those laws being that fifth dimensional beings are forbidden from bringing anyone or anything from the Phantom Zone." Mxy said, truly regretful.

"Wait, what?" J'onn asked.

"Yeah and it's one of the few rules I actually agree with since the Phantom Zone also holds prisoners from the fifth dimension and that law was established to keep them from being freed. Any attempt to use my magic to get your family out of the zone will just get me thrown in it. I'm sorry." Mxy said regretfully.

"It's okay, I can understand that now. Can you at least show us how they're doing?" Kara asked.

"That I can do." Mxy agreed as he snapped his fingers and suddenly the monitors in the Tower flickered and they saw the Phantom Zone and Alex in it and to Kara's relief, she looked unharmed.

"Where's Zor-El?" Alura asked.

"A different location. One second." Mxy said as he snapped his fingers again and the scene changed to a cave and Kara and Alura were both relieved when they saw Zor-El sitting in it in front of a fire.

"He's alive." Kara said, tears coming to her eyes at the sight of her father being alive for the first time since she'd left Krypton.

"So, what else can I help you with?" Mxy asked.

"I know you said you can't use your powers to get people out of the phantom zone, but can you use them to help people in there?" Kara asked.

"What do you mean?" Mxy asked.

"If I know Alex, she's likely looking for the anchor that my mother created to link the phantom zone to the rest of the universe. Do you think you might be able to give her a trail to follow or something?" Kara asked.

"I don't know. Fifth dimensional powers are weakened in the phantom zone and I'd still need to be in the zone to do it and that's a bit of hell mary unless I know where in the zone it is." Mxy said.

"Well then, I guess you'll have to come with us aboard our ship. Can you at least whip up a tracking system that will allow us to locate both Alex and my father in the zone?" Kara asked.

"That I can do." Mxy said as he snapped his fingers, only for nothing to happen.

"Why isn't anything happening? Kara asked.

"Oh right, that's my bad." Winn said as he shut off the dampening system and this time, when Mxy snapped his fingers, a tracking device appeared.

"That bad boy will track the DNA of anyone you put into it, no matter where they are, as long as they're in the same dimension as you. Meaning that it won't be able to track Alex or Zor-El until you're in the Phantom Zone." Mxy said.

"Mind tagging along? We could use your powers to help fight off any phantoms who give us trouble." Kara said.

"As long as it means my debt is clear, yes, I'm in. However, we will have to be careful since like I said, there are a few fifth dimensional beings trapped in the phantom zone and if they find out I'm there, they may try to use me to escape. However, before we go, I would like to take a look at your ship, see if I can make upgrades to help give this mission a better chance of not blowing up in our faces." Mxy said.

"Follow me." Mon-El said as he led Mxy out of the tower with Kara, Lena, J'onn, Alura, Winn and Kelly all following them, since once the ship was ready, they were heading out.

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