Chapter 27

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Okay first off, I saw the series finale of Supergirl and it was amazing, a perfect way to wrap up Kara's journey after six years. I won't give any spoilers, but it was very emotional and the ending was not one I think that most people saw coming and yes, aspects of it will play into this story. Speaking of, let's get on with it. I do wish that there was season 7 just to explore the new arc that the finale put in motion, but that's what fanfiction is for. I might take a crack at that eventually. Also, there is one thing I want to point out. Arrow and Supergirl, they both had series finales that went out with a bang, had a significant impact and properly wrapped up the shows, while Black Lighting, that finale just felt like a regular episode compared to Supergirl and Arrow. Just saying, I think we know which shows the CW really cared about. And now on with the story.

"What did my mother mean when she said that Coluans were green? Every time I've seen you without your image inducer, you've been blue. So what aren't you telling me Brainy?" Nia asked Brainy as they entered her childhood bedroom and Brainy sighed as he turned off his image inducer.

"You see these?" Brainy asked, referring to three dots on his forehead.

"Your dots, yeah why?" Nia asked.

"They aren't just dots, they're personality inhibitors." Brainy said, surprising Nia.

"Wait, what?" Nia asked.

"Yes, I've worn these ever since I was a child." Brainy said.

"Why the hell would you wear personality inhibitors?" Nia asked.

"Because of what happened when I was a child." Brainy said.

"What happened?" Nia asked as Brainy took a deep breath.

"When I was 8 years old, my family went on vacation to a nice little planet. It was the first time I ever saw the snow and I loved it so much that I didn't want to leave." Brainy said.

"So, what does this have to do with anything?" Nia asked.

"When my mother saw how much I loved it, she decided that as a souvenir, I should get to keep the planet. So she shrunk it down and bottled it. An ancient and frankly archaic Coluan technique that was originally meant to allow my ancestors to study entire planets at once" Brainy said.

"And your mother bottled an entire planet just to make you happy?" Nia asked, thinking about how wrong that was.

"Yes. When my father found out, he was horrified by the lengths my mother went too and he immediately freed the planet. Though I did not take it well. I was angry at him for taking away my planet. My planet. And that scared him. So he stuck these inhibitors on me and I've had them on ever since." Brainy said as Nia placed a hand on her boyfriend's shoulder.

"Brainy, I mean no offense to your father, but honestly, he was a coward who decided that inhibiting parts of who you are was easier than actually helping you learn to deal with those emotions." Nia said gently.

"Nia, that anger I felt then, the whole reason I've kept these inhibitors on is because I'm terrified of feeling it again." Brainy said.

"I know it isn't easy to deal with anger, but Brainy, those inhibitors, they also explain why you had so much trouble finding a balance in our relationship. They prevent you from being your true self and yes they may prevent you from feeling anger, but they also prevent you from being able to fully feel other emotions like happiness and love. As long as you live with a part of yourself inhibited, you'll never truly be able to live at all." Nia said as Brainy looked at her.

"You really think I should take them off?" Brainy asked.

"I think that the only person who can decide that is you, but know that no matter what you choose, I will be there for you." Nia said and Brainy smiled.

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