Chapter 20

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"Well, this is certainly an improvement over the DEO's headquarters." Eliza said as she and J'onn exited a transmatter portal into the Tower.

"Yeah we realized that it wasn't the best idea if we operated out of a government facility. Besides, this place is much cooler." Kara agreed as she hugged her foster mother.

"Now, where is your sister?" Eliza asked.

"Still unconscious in the medbay, Kelly's watching her now, but before you go yell at Alex, there's some other people you need to meet." Kara said.

"Yes, J'onn told me and I'm still having trouble believing it." Eliza said.

"Come with me." Kara said as she led Eliza over to the main computer terminal, where her parents were standing.

"Mom, dad." Kara said and Eliza honestly felt both joy at hearing Kara say those words, but also a bit of jealousy that she'd never said them to her and Jeremiah. Not that she should've expected her to. Unlike Clark, Kara had been old enough to actually know her birth parents before she came to Earth. Eliza still sometimes forgot that technically, even though she'd stopped aging for a large part of her life, Kara was still older than Clark was.

"You must be Eliza." Alura said as she walked towards them first.

"And you must be Kara's mother." Eliza said as Alura placed her hand on Eliza's shoulder.

"You have just as much of a right to the title as I do. I regret that we weren't able to meet the last time I was on Earth." Alura said and Eliza smiled.

"I understand. You were busy saving the world and at least we're meeting now." Eliza said and Alura smiled.

"Yes. And now I can tell you that my husband and I owe you a debt that can never be repaid. You watched over our daughter when we could not." Alura said.

"Though I may have a way to lessen our debt." Zor-El said from where he was working on the computer.

"What do you mean?" Kara asked her father, since he was honestly being a bit rude not looking away from his work to meet the woman who'd raised her in his stead.

"It's my understanding that while Eliza did raise you, it was not without a personal sacrifice." Zor-El said.

"My husband Jeremiah. He gave up his freedom to protect Kara from the DEO before J'onn took it over." Eliza said.

"We know he's still alive somewhere, being forced to work for Cadmus, but we haven't had any luck locating him yet. Even Nia can't dream his location." Kara said.

"Cadmus is very good at hiding their assets." Eliza said, right as another portal opened.

"I hope we're not interrupting" Clark said as he, Lois and their sons exited the portal.

"You took longer than I thought you would." Kara said as Zor-El actually did turn away from his work to see the grandchildren of his brother enter the Tower.

"Sorry, Lois wanted them to pack bags to stay the night." Clark said.

"What is this place?" Jonathan asked as he and Jordan looked around and even Lois was impressed, since Kara had never had this place back in the old reality.

"Welcome to the Tower. This is my team and I operate out of." Kara said.

"So it's like your fortress?" Jordan asked.

"Not exactly. This place is located where any member of my team can access it and it's located in National City, since that's where my team operates out of primarily. The Fortress is located up in the Arctic, where only someone with special means can reach it." Kara said.

"Still, the fact that it looks like this place has computers that actually look like humans can use them, I think it's an improvement." Lois said.

"Anyways, Lois, Jonathan, Jordan, I'd like you guys to meet my mother Alura and my father Zor-El." Kara said, since Lois had met her mother before, she'd never met her father before.

"It's nice to meet you." Lois said kindly.

"And you as well. Kara has told us so much about you. About all of you." Alura said.

"Like what?" Jordan asked and Zor-El smiled as he looked at his great-nephew.

"Like how you, Jordan, are named after your grandfather and my brother Jor-El. I wish he and Lara could be here now to see you and your brother. They'd be so happy to see the family he's made here." Zor-El said.

"We shouldn't be greedy. Honestly, it's a miracle that you two and Argo City survived." Clark said.

"At least now we know that the House of El will live on into the future. But Kara, where is your boyfriend? I'm still trying to figure out how you fell in love with the prince of Daxam." Zor-El asked her and Kara rolled her eyes.

"Your dad doesn't like your boyfriend?" Jonathan asked his aunt, a bit amused.

"More like they have a Romeo and Juliet relationship, but without anyone dying." Clark said.

"What does that mean?" Jonathan asked.

"You seriously never taught them Kryptonian history after you told them the truth?" Kara asked.

"Haven't really had time." Clark said and Kara took a deep breath.

"Look, my boyfriend Mike's real name is Mon-El and like me, he's an alien, but he's not Kryptonian." Kara said, since while the boys had met Mon-El before, they'd never known that he was an alien like her.

"So what planet is he from?" Jordan asked.

"Daxam, it was a sister world to Krypton, but our planets did not get along due to a feud that dates back to a war that honestly no one who really started at this point." Kara said.

"So, you guys didn't get along at first?" Jonathan asked and Kara chuckled.

"Yeah no, we wanted nothing to do with each other, but eventually, we got over ourselves and found solace in each other. But can we please turn this topic away from my love life." Kara said.

"Fine." Clark said, though he was enjoying teasing his cousin as the computers beeped.

"Yes, it worked." Zor-El said with a grin as he presented as he zeroed in on the coordinates.

"What worked?" Clark asked.

"I hacked into this planet's satellite array and secretly retasked them to run every kind of search possible with that technology for him. Facial recognition, vocal recognition, DNA recognition and I got a location." Zor-El said.

"And how did you pull that off, since I'm sure every government and company on the planet would notice their satellites being hijacked?" Kara asked.

"Not when I used Coluan technology to give the satellites the processing power to both run the scans and also perform their original functions." Zor-El said.

"Impressive." J'onn said.

"So, we've got a location, want to tag along?" Kara asked her cousin.

"Race you there." Clark said as he and Kara activated their suits and J'onn shifted to his martian form.

"Let me know if Alex wakes up before we get back." Supergirl said as she, Superman and Martian Manhunter flew out of the Tower.

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