Chapter 24

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First off, now I'm revealing the results of the Jonathan Kent poll. The reason I didn't in the last chapter of Supergirl is because it was tied then. But now, a winner has been determined, though I'm guessing that some of you might already know if you've read the most recent chapter of Superman and Lois, but the winner is that Jonathan will eventually be moving to National City.

Also, does anyone else wonder how Lena's getting money since she left Luthor Corp?

"So, when are you leaving?" Mon-El asked J'onn as they stood in the command center of the Tower.

"What do you mean?" J'onn asked.

"Come on J'onn, we both know the only reason you're still here is because Alex was in danger, but she's not anymore. But you do have a family member who is." Mon-El reminded him.

"My father." J'onn said.

"Astra and Malefic already left for Mars, but you deserve to be the one to save your father, especially since you're the only one he remembers." Mon-El reminded him.

"I know, but at the same time, I can't just abandon you guys." J'onn said.

"J'onn, you're not abandoning anyone. You're putting your family first. Especially since you don't know how much time you have left with him." Mon-El said.

"I was planning on hitching a ride on the Legion ship with Brainy when he takes Kara's parents back to Argo." J'onn said and Mon-El nodded.

"I'm surprised that Kara's okay with them leaving." Mon-El said.

"She knows that they have responsibilities on Argo City, just like she has them here on Earth. But speaking of parents, are you ever going to reach out to yours?" J'onn asked him.

"Probably not." Mon-El said.

"Why? I thought you'd miss your father." J'onn said.

"I do, but reaching out to him also means reaching out to my mother and we both know what that means." Mon-El said.

"Maybe she's changed in this new reality." J'onn said.

"I'm not taking any chances J'onn. It's because of her that I lost any chance of Kara and I being together before. Now that I have her back, I'm not risking losing her again. Especially since my mother likely wouldn't be happy that I also have foster parents in this reality." Mon-El said, since he didn't want to put his foster parents in danger, especially since they were the ones who turned him into the person he is today. Someone that Kara loves and doesn't keep secrets from her.

"Fair enough. But Mon-El, there is something I want you to promise me." J'onn said.

"And that would be?" Mon-El asked.

"Make sure that Kara is finally wearing a ring before I get back from Mars. You've already gotten blessings from her entire family, even Alex and Zor-El, now, all that's left is for you to work up the courage to ask her. Especially since she's no doubt waiting for you to ask her." J'onn said.

"I'm not sure I'll be able to make that promise." Mon-El said.

"Why?" J'onn asked him.

"Because my plan is to ask Kara when we're on Argo, so there's no chance of her getting called away for a Supergirl emergency. Plus, it's her home, I think it would be more meaningful for the proposal to happen there." Mon-El said.

"I think that while your heart is in the right place, your head isn't. You know as well as I do the risks we take. And since Kara's not planning on leaving for Argo until Myriad is dealt with, I say don't wait. You know that she doesn't care about where you propose to her, but she likely is aware that you want to and is waiting for you." J'onn said.

"So, when did Alex tell you that?" Mon-El asked.

"Before she sent herself into the Phantom Zone. Apparently Kara called her to rant about what was taking you so long to propose, since she overheard you ask Clark for his permission to marry her." J'onn said and Mon-El chuckled.

"I'll keep that in mind. But, I'm not the only one who has something to think about in that regard." Mon-El said.

"Mon-El." J'onn said.

"J'onn, you and I both know that there's a very good chance you're going to see M'gann again when you get to Mars." Mon-El said.

"I know and believe me, I do miss her, but at the same time, she and I are on different paths right now. Her path is leading the resistance against the white martians and mine is here on Earth as a member of the Superfriends." J'onn said and Mon-El smiled.

"You two have a psychic bond. You can use that to stay in touch." Mon-El said.

"I walked right into this didn't I?" J'onn asked with a chuckle.

"Don't lecture me about my love life if you don't want me to return the favor." Mon-El said and J'onn chuckled.

"Why did you want me to meet you here?" Winn asked Lena as he entered the Tower's lab.

"Because I had something I wanted to run by you." Lena said.

"And that would be?" Winn asked.

"I'm leaving Luthor Corp." Lena said.

"What, why?" Winn asked.

"Because I can't stand having to work with Lex. The world might think that he's a beloved philanthropist, but we know the truth and honestly, I'm tired of dealing with him." Lena said.

"But I thought that you were staying at Luthor Corp to protect from Lex." Winn asked.

"I was, but then I realized that without me to compete with, he'll end up destroying himself in no time." Lena said.

"Fair enough, but I still don't get what this has to do with me? If you're leaving Luthor Corp, then so am I, since the only reason I didn't go to the DEO is because we needed to keep tabs on you, but since you've redeemed yourself." Winn said.

"Winn, I want to go into business with you." Lena said.

"Wait, what?" Winn asked.

"Think about it. The two of us are some of the brightest minds in this city. Imagine what we could do for this city, for the world, if we actually worked together. I mean, we have already made some pretty incredible stuff together." Lena said.

"True. Especially with my knowledge of 31st century tech." Winn added.

"So, are you in?" Lena asked.

"You promise that we'll be real partners, not like the way you and James were when you bought Catco?" Winn asked and Lena chuckled.

"The difference is that then I actually was James's boss, since he did work for me. But Winn, I promise, this will be an equal partnership." Lena assured him.

"Good. Then I'm in." Winn said.

"Good." Lena said as they began talking about their plans.

New poll: who should Lena be paired up with. If you're reading this on, you'll need to go to Wattpad or Archive of our Own to see the link. For those of you on one of those two sites, here's the link to it:

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