The Fallen Angel

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Dark Pit glanced over his shoulder cautiously, checking behind incase someone was following him. He stared for a few moments, looking out for movement. Soon coming to the conclusion he is alone, he continued walking. The path ahead is quite twisty and full of places to hide, so he has to be careful. His reputation around the Underworld definitely wasn't the best. Nightmares lurked everywhere. He is never truly safe.

Dark Pit kept on walking along the winding path. As he did, his mind began to wander. What if another war sparked up? What if the Overworld got completely destroyed? What if all angels were wiped out? He would never know. His mind then began to stray off to the angel he had fought with recently. He was quite strong. A very formidable opponent. And kinda... Cute.

Dark Pit shook his head. No! He isn't cute. He is nothing but an obstacle. He shook his wings out, growling to himself. I don't have feelings. How could I ever think someone is cute? Him especially.

Suddenly, Dark Pit heard a small Snap in the distance. He whipped his head around, assuming battle stance. "Who's there?!" He called out loudly, letting them know he knows of their presence. He was answered with silence. "Come out and face me!" He called out again, gripping his duel swords tightly.

A sinister chuckle sounded from behind Dark Pit. He gasped and tried to turn around quickly, but was restricted by two strong hands holding his wings. "Let go of me!" Dark Pit growled, flailing his arms and legs in an attempt to throw the attacker off. "Never." The creature chuckled as it sharply tugged on Dark Pits wings, causing his shoulder blade to bleed slightly. He bit his lip, holding in a scream of agony.

The creature laughed at Dark Pits helplessness. It smiled sinisterly and grabbed Dark Pits face with one hand, keeping the other held tightly on his wing. "Go on. Scream. I know you want to." The Monster whispered in his ear. "No." Dark Pit replied coldly, refusing to give this thing what it wants. The creature gave a low, unsatisfied growl. It pulled harder on his wings. The dark angel bit his lip harder, causing a small river of blood to gush out. Despite the excruciating pain, Dark Pit still didn't make a sound. He refused to.

"I'm going to rip your wings off!" The Monster cried, grabbing both wings very tightly, and tugging hard on them. Dark Pit still refused to show any weakness, despite the horrible pain and the blood pouring out of his lip and shoulders. The creature eventually gave up. Dark Pit wasn't amusing enough to it. It let go of his wings, sparing them. It grunted, dissatisfied, and stomped off to go torment someone else.

Dark Pits legs gave out, causing him to collapse to the cold ground. He landed hard, too winded to try to soften the fall. He couldn't move. His wings and shoulders ached, blood pouring from the wounds the creature left. Always the wings... Dark pit sighed as he thought to himself. He was attacked like this quite a bit in the Underworld. He assumed it was because of his looks, since he did look almost exactly like the one who killed their queen. And sure enough, he was right. Most times he was targeted, he heard the creatures say something about him looking like his other.

Dark Pit snapped back from his thought trance, and attempted to push himself back up onto his feet. Unfortunately, he failed and came crashing back into the stone floor. He was vulnerable, in too much pain to move. He growled at himself. Suck it up. You can do this. Get up and keep going. Dark Pit braced himself, then hastily hoisted himself up to his feet. The moment he stood, he felt his body stumble sideways. He crashed into the wall, his shoulder slamming hard into the cold rock. He hissed in pain, clutching his wounded shoulder. He closed his eyes, his breathing heavy. Come on. You can do this. One step at a time. Dark Pit gulped down the lump in his throat, opened his eyes, then he took a step forward. He leaned on the wall to help him balance, since his body was pretty numb from pain, his weight couldn't be distributed properly.

He took a deep breath, then took another few steps forward. He decided to look back at his wounds and see how bad they were. And sure enough, they were pretty bad. Dark Pit sighed. How could he let himself get this bad? Why didn't he fight back? He rubbed his temple, trying to fight off the incoming headache. It's in the past now. You gotta keep going. He thought to himself, determined to reach his destination.

After an hour of limping, he finally got to where he wanted to be. Sight Lake. Here, if you looked into the water, and said a name, the water would show you the person. But only for a short time. Dark Pit knelt down on the waters edge. He took a deep breath, and muttered the name of his other self. "Pit". The water began to clear, opening a small window of vision to the Overworld. Dark Pit gazed into the water, staring at the small angel figure. Pit was easy to distinguish. He was the only angel to have a hair and eye colour other than green. He has beautiful, fluffy brunette hair. His eyes are a bright sapphire blue. Dark Pit could stare into them all day. He sighed softly, longing to meet the angel in person and not be forced to fight him.

Dark Pits mind began to wander once again as he gazed into the angel of lights sapphire eyes through the water reflection. He's so beautiful. His wings are so pretty and elegant. His eyes are so wonderfully lovely. His face is so adorable and kissable. His hair is so fluffy. His movements are so graceful and smooth. Dark Pit let himself fall into a small trance while thinking about the pretty angel boy. Dark Pit loves him.

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