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Pit closes his eyes. My duty is to Palutena. I can't let love get in the way of that. But I don't want to leave him.. Pit furrows his brow. He has to make a decision soon.

"Go help her."

Pit looks at Dark Pit, recognising his voice. Pit was unsure.

"Go. I will wait for you." Dark Pit stated. "Are you sure you're willing to wait? I could be gone for days, possibly weeks." Pit asks, walking over to his dark clone. "I am sure. Do what you have to do." Dark Pit replied, reaching his hand up to touch Pits cheek. He didn't want to see Pit go, but if this is what he has to do, then that's what he has to do. Pit nodded, then planted a small kiss on Dark Pits cheek. He waved goodbye, then flew away into the distance towards Palutena's temple. Dark Pit sighed as he watched the light angel go. His heart ached. Every second without the angel felt like an eternity without seeing him.

Dark Pit growled. Don't catch feelings. All he is is an obstacle in your way. He killed your mother. Your wonderful queen of darkness. He is nothing. Dark Pit allowed his dark thoughts to return. He sighed once more, before deciding to take a walk and see exactly where he is. He slowly climbed off of Pits bed, and walked over to the door, pushing it open once he reached it. He took a step outside, the sunlight temporarily blinding him. It's been so long since I've seen natural light. In the Underworld, we replied on artificial lights made from luminescent shrooms.

Dark Pit stood in place for a while, waiting for his eyes to adjust. Once he regained his vision, he looked around for a moment. He couldn't see much, but he could make out a few floating chunks of land and large fluffy clouds in the distance. Interesting. Dark Pit inspected his surroundings, looking for a walkway. His wings are too sore and broken to carry him, so he had to find a way to get around without them. He couldn't spot a walkway, but he could see another chunk of land quite close to the floating island he stood on. He could probably make the jump.

Pit looked down at his feet, feeling a bit torn. He let out a sad sigh, wishing he could've brought the dark angel with him. Hopefully Palutena won't need too much time of his. Pit lifted his head up, and tried his best to think positively. Maybe you could use this time to hint to her about the fallen angel. And then see if her reactions to the hints are good or bad. Then we can decide from there if it's safe to tell her or not! Pit smiled, despite the void he felt in his chest. Let's make the most out of this!

Pit happily trotted along to Palutena's room. He was the only one who was allowed to talk to her personally like this. The only one allowed inside her room. Pit knocked on the door. The door soon opened, and Pit was greeted by soft green eyes. "Hello Pit." Palutena smiled warmly as she allowed the small angel inside. "I was told you needed me for something?" Pit wondered. "Oh yes. It isn't very urgent though, so I won't need you for long. I simply wanted to discuss a few things with you." Palutena replied warmly. She smiled and watched as the cheerful angel sat himself down on a cushion on the floor next the a low table. Palutena enjoyed his company. And he enjoyed her company too. But secretly, Pit was longing to go back home to see his angel again.

Dark Pit walked around aimlessly. It was kinda relaxing. Finally breathing clear air that wasn't plagued with ash and nasty smells. Finally feeling a bit safe, not having to be afraid of getting his wings torn off. He sighed in relief, sitting down on the warm grass. He closed his eyes and relaxed, bathing in the sun's warm rays.

"Hey! Look at that angel down there!"

Dark Pit opened one eye, spotting a pair of angels flying above.

"Can we talk to him?" One asked to the other. The second angel nodded, and the first one darted down to greet Dark Pit. He landed on the grass with a small thud, then raced over to Dark Pit. He stopped next to the dark angel, and sat down next to him. "Hello! I'm Cael! And my friend over there is Ariel!" [I made these two up as well for the story]

Dark Pit inspected the angel with his eyes. Just the average green haired angel. "What's your name?" Cael asked cheerily. "Dark Pit." The dark angel replied coldly. The boy gasped when he heard the name. "Pit? As in the hero?" Ariel asked curiously in a soft yet monotone voice. Dark Pit nodded, causing them both to gasp in amazement. "That's so cool! Are you like his brother or something?" Cael wondered, intrigued. "No. I'm a clone. Or at least that's what I was told." Dark Pit responded. The two angels continued to fire questions. Dark Pit was getting a bit sick of answering them. He sighed, resting his head on his palm.

"I think we should stop bothering him now Cael." Ariel suggested as she noticed Dark Pits expression. "Oh okay! Bye black angel!" Cael exclaimed as Ariel led him away. Dark Pit glared at the two as they flew off into the distance and out of his vision. He exhaled in relief. Dark Pit doesn't like talking to others, especially ones who never shut up. He got up and rubbed his eyes and forehead before setting off back home. I guess this was nice. He thought to himself as he began walking back, retracing his steps. A bit annoying though.

Pit finished up the plan discussion with Palutena quicker than he expected. He smiled, satisfied. Then he suddenly remembered something he wanted to say. "Hey Palutena?" Pit asked. "Yes, Pit?" She replied, turning to face him. "What would you do if an angel here fell in love with a fallen angel? Like one from the Underworld?" Pit blurted out, a bit scared of what she might say. "If the fallen angel isn't a threat to us, then I would allow it. But i would have to make sure personally that the fallen angel is safe to have around." Palutena stated. Pit sighed in relief. There is a chance after all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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