His eyes..

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Pit yawned himself awake, feeling really drowsy. He blinked a few times, clearing the sleep from his eyes. He looked up, and jumped a little when he saw the black angel, still asleep on his bed. He sighed in relief after realising who it was. It's just him. Nothing to be afraid of. Pit thought to himself, calming himself down. He got up from the floor and stretched out his arms and wings. He walks over to the window, and opens up his leaf curtains, letting in the morning light. "Some sunlight might help." Pit thought out loud. He always felt better after basking in the sunlight. Hopefully the dark angel will feel the same.

Pit trotted back over to the bed, and checked on the angel's condition. He definitely seems better than before, but he still needs a lot more time. Pit smiled, glad to see some improvement. He planted a small kiss on the dark angels cheek, a blush creeping onto Pits face. He's so cute!

"Hey Pit!! You got some training to do! Rise and shine!!" Pit heard a familiar voice sound from outside his home. He trotted over to his door, and peeked outside the window. There he saw one of his training partners, Elra. [[I made her up okay ;-; idk]] "Just a minute!!" Pit replied, needing a few more minutes to check up on the dark angel. "Alright then Pit!! Just make sure you get your butt out here sometime today!!" Elra called out to him as she flew off towards the training area. Pit sighed then made his way back to the bed where the black angel slept. Pit smiled and blushed, seeing how peaceful the boy looked.

Pit began to resume the checkup. He checked for breathing frequency, heartbeat, blood pressure, and temperature. All seemed good. "I'll be back soon okay." He whispered softly to the angel. "Bye now." Pit said as he opened his door and flew away to join Elra. Pit felt a bit of sadness and worry creep into him. He likes that angel. It makes him kinda sad to have to leave him. It's only for an hour or two! You'll see him again! Pit thought, forcing a smile on his face. He knew he would see the dark angel again, but it just hurt to have to leave, even for a few moments. Am I growing attached to him? Would Palutena approve of this?

Pit snapped out of his train of thought, and focused on getting to the training area. Everything will be okay. Just keep going. Pit forced himself to think happy thoughts, blocking out all his worries and fears. This is how he dealt with most emotional issues. It wasn't very healthy but it kept him smiling on in the end.

Before he knew it, Pit was landing in the training area. The training area is a large field, which targets for shooting practice, a running track and obstacle coarse for agility and strength practice, and a sky obstacle coarse made from floating land and clouds for flying practice. Pit had been here many times before. He would usually spend around an hour hitting targets with his bow and practicing his skills in the sky. Even though he's done everything before, it never really seemed to get old.

"Heya Pit! Took ya long enough!" Elra cried, waving her hand in the air to signal where she is. Pit giggled and sprinted his way over to her, smiling. He always loved seeing her face every morning. She was his new best friend.  Though no one could replace the best friend he had lost, he still loves Elra just as much. "I just had a few small things I had to get done haha then I raced over here." Pit beamed as he trotted to Elra's side. "So what are we doing today?" He asked her curiously. It was her turn to pick. "Archery!" Elra giggle cheerfully as she dashed off to the targets. Pit giggled too as he followed her. They both brought out their bows, then began to practice.

Two hours later~

Pit panted heavily, withdrawing his bow and sitting down on the soft grass to rest. Sweat beads dripped down his face, his face hot and turning red. "That was some good practice, Elra!" Pit called out to the angel, who just finished hitting a bulleye on a moving target. "Sure was!" She replied as she fluttered down to the ground and walked her way over to him. She knelt down beside him, panting as well. She ruffled his hair cheekily, giggling playfully. Pit growled playfully, batting her hands away. They both lay down on the grass smiling and giggling. Training was always fun with Elra around.

Pit sighed and jumped up to his feet. Since training was over, he should definitely go and make sure the dark angel was alright. "I got some stuff I gotta do. Please excuse me!" He states as he gallops off back home. "Alright Pit! See ya tomorrow!!" Elra replies, making sure she was heard.

Pit leaps up into the air and takes flight, his mind set on the dark angel. I hope he's okay. Pit worries as he glides through the air. I can't let him go..

His house was soon in sight. Pit dived down, angling his wings for a perfect landing. He landed softly right on his doorstep, quite satisfied with how his landing turned out. He trots to his door, turns the handle, and pushes it open. He was met with a pair of deep crimson eyes staring at him from the bed. The dark angel is awake! Pit gazed into his eyes, taking in the sheer beauty. They looked sinister, but in more of a protecting way than an aggressive way. The dark angel stared back at the light angel, a light blush dusting his cheeks. "You're finally awake!" Pit purred, a smile appearing on his face. "It's you.." the dark angel mumbled quietly.

Hold me tight.. (Pit X Dark Pit)Where stories live. Discover now