Road to Recovery

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Pit gazed up at the golden sunset above him. It was rare to see a sunset in the Overworld. The sun would usually just pass, throwing the world into darkness. He smiled, enjoying the beautiful weather anomaly. Nature sure is an amazing thing. Pit gazed for a few more moments, then began his walk back home. He decided to take the long way, so he could enjoy the sunset for longer. But this would mean he would have to pass the entrance of the Underworld. Pit held his duel swords tight, ready to strike any opponent daring enough to face him.

As he trotted along, he noticed a small shimmer of black and gold in the distance. He stopped in his tracks, and stared in the direction of the glimmer. He couldn't see much, but he could make out part of the things shape. It looked like an angel. No, it couldn't be. Angels don't ever wear black, nor have black hair.

Pit decided to investigate anyway, despite his doubts. He walked slowly and carefully towards to figure, his swords ready. He narrowed his eyes, and spotted a pair of bloody, soot black angel wings. How- Pit didn't care about his questioning thoughts. All he knew is that this angel is wounded and needed help. Pit sprinted his way over to the dark creature, and knelt down beside him. He inspected his wings carefully, trying his best to not cause any kind of pain. He looked down at the boy's face for a small moment. They look like me? How is that possible?

Pit shook off his questions once again, and focused on the angel's wings. They seem to be ripped harshly, like someone had tried to tear them off. The wounds seemed quite fresh. This must've happened recently. Pit gently held the tip of the wing, and tried to spread the feathered wing out as slowly as possible. He did this so he could look for any bone fractures and spot them easier. He managed to spot three, two small and one quite major. "Oh you poor boy." Pit leisurely folded the wing back into place, again making sure to not harm the angel further.

What monster could've done this? Pit thought to himself. He looked around, and noticed the entrance to the Underworld nearby. Well, that explains it.  

Pit couldn't just leave this poor angel here to suffer, so he gently picked up the unconscious being and hoisted him onto his back. "It's gonna be okay." He whispered to the angel resting on his back. "I'm gonna take care of you." Pit held onto the wounded being securely, being very careful not to accidentally drop him or hurt him. The two began their long journey home.

As Pit carried the angel home slowly, he took this time to think and logic some stuff out in his head. I wonder who this boy is. He looks an awful lot like me, just... More evil looking. I'm sure he isn't evil. Otherwise he probably wouldn't have been attacked like this. The light side would never cause this much damage, especially to the wings. Hmm. This is a very interesting case. Pit sighed and looked back at the dark angel on his back. He is kinda familiar in some ways. Other than the fact he looks a lot like Pit. Was he involved in the war? Pit questioned, trying to remember the event. All he could remember was his wings burning and his best friend being killed. He couldn't exactly remember a darker version of himself appearing on the battlefield.

Pit furrowed his brow in confusion. He even wears his clothes like me. And his hair is styled exactly like mine! What is going on?? Pit closed his eyes tightly, and took a few deep breaths to calm himself down a bit. Everything will be answered soon, I'm sure of it! But first, we gotta get this boy to a safe place so he can recover.

Two long hours later, the angels finally found their way home. Pit called out to a few passing angels and asked them to help him get his darker self to Pits home so he can treat his wounds. And sure enough, the angels agreed. The four tenderly carried the wounded boy to Pits home. Once there, Pit thanked the angels and let them continue doing what they were doing previously. He then picked up the dark angel, carried him inside, then set him down on the bed, back facing up.

"It's going to be okay. I've got you." Pit whispered reassuringly in the dark angels ear, not caring if he can hear or not. Pit began rummaging around under his bed, and brought out a medium sized medical kit. He opened the kit, and emptied out the contents into the floor. Hmm what do we need.. Pit thought to himself, looking through the array of medical stuff. We'll definitely need some ointment. And some numbing herbs. And definitely some bandages to keep everything in place....

Pit picked out the stuff he needed, and began treating the wounds. He fed a few numbing herbs to the darker angel, then waited a few minutes for them to kick in. Once the herbs took affect, he started work on fixing the wings. He cleaned the dried blood from the shoulder wounds, and applied pressure to the spot with a towel to stop any further bleeding. He then rubbed some ointment on the cuts, then started straightening out the bones so they would heal correctly. Pit once again carefully straightened out a delicate black wing and re-found the fractures he spotted earlier. He took a deep breath, then quickly cracked the bones back into place. Doing so made a sickening snap sound which made Pit shiver. He petted the dark angels head softly, hoping he didn't feel any of it due to the herbs. He did the same on every fracture, each time making sure the angel felt no pain.

After a whole hour of working, Pit had done all he could do. Hopefully, the only thing the angel needs now is some time to heal. Pit smiled, happy with what he has done. He glanced at the dark angels face again, this time causing a small blush to appear on Pits face. He's kinda.. cute.

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