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Joy's pov

I didn't speak to Max since the little 'incident' we had at the track. It was Saturday, which meant that the teams were preparing for qualifying. I was reading the news on my laptop in my bed when I heard a knock on my door. 

'Good morning! I thought I'd ask you if you would like to have breakfast with me?' Lando asked. I was surprised to see him there, I didn't thought he knew where my room was. But it doesn't matter, because I'm glad I see him here. 

'Oh yes, I'd love that!' I answered his question. 'Great! Do you need to get ready or can I take you like this?' -  'No, I'm fully dressed and ready to go!'

We walked to the restaurant across the street, and we walked inside. 

As if I didn't knew. 

When we walked in, I saw Max looking right into my eyes. My whole body flinched and I probably stared at him for a solid 20 seconds. 

'Have you seen a ghost?' Lando joked. I look him in the eyes and he could feel that something was off. 'Are you okay? Is there something you want to tell me?' - 'Actually, yes. But we can discuss it while we're eating our breakfast.' We decided to sit down at the table with view on the track, and ordered our food. I decided to order pancakes with berries and Nutella (again, my favorite) and Lando decided to go with the avocado toast with egg (without the salmon ;) )

While we were waiting on our food I told Lando the whole story and he seemed a little bit upset, turned out he and Max also had a little argument about something that happened during the second practice and he felt quite guilty. He said that he thought it was his fault that Max and I got into the argument, which is not true. The only person I could blame for that was Max. And maybe myself, although I don't know what I said wrong. 

Speaking about Max, I could feel his gaze in my back the whole time. He was watching us, and when we stood up to leave the restaurant, he looked my right in my eyes. 

I was back in my hotel room when I saw that I had a message on my phone. 

Max We need to talk, can you come to my room please?

Joy Yes I'll be there in a few

I didn't really want to go, because I suck in arguments. I never know what to say and the only thing I can do in an argument is running away. You know, slamming the door behind my back, walking away and hoping that the other people will reflect on what they've said. Avoiding people is also one of my specialities. That was my original plan for the situation. 

But guess what, I'm going to face the problem. 

Until My Final Breath - Max Verstappen (I)Where stories live. Discover now