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Bam Bam by Sister Nancy

There was no chance in making it to the pool early today, my dance coach called for an emergency team meeting. Something about a co-captain breaking her leg. Which called for a whole new formation for our choreography. I try not disappoint anyone in my life, and although dance is my life I still felt guilty for leaving Harry hanging. In order to make everyone happy I decided to invite a couple of dance friends to the pool, and by a couple I mean the whole dance class.

A big stereo follows behind me blasting music so loud I feel the floor tremble every step I take. The pool is usually filled with neighboring residents, so seeing a groups of strangers enter gets them staring.

"Ladies." I make my presence known. My friends crowd around me at the empty picnic table. Everyone settles in and i scope the area for the one person I've been thinking about since I left the pool the other day, my lifeguard. Except when I look, the chair is empty. He's not here.

It's silly of me to be so excited to see Harry, but this is the most fun I've had in a while and seeing him for a second day in a row doesn't sound too bad.

"Harry's on break, babygirl." The use of his name directs me to behind me. She's alone.

"What makes you think I'm looking for him, ma'am?"

"Ma'am? Oh baby cut the shit, I saw you leave with him out that locker yesterday." She points to the lockers and chuckles.

I look over and see a sign hung on the door that says 'on lunch'.

I swallow my pride and apologize "I'm sorry for lying, I just don't want anyone to know."

"I don't see why, but no worries darlin'." She chews her gum loudly, silently judging me. She even snickers at me as she reads her magazine. I thank her and make my way to the lockers.

When i open the door and focus on his back in the corner of the room, goosebumps erupt on my skin and my cheeks flare up from the heat. His beautiful skin is a shade darker from when I last saw him. I find myself dazed in his looks. What throws me off the most is his hand, gripping the wall above his head. Heavy, uncontrolled breathing catches my ear. His soft moans are music to my ears. His tricep is shaking violently and his head slowly falls back. My eyes scour his body and land on the band of his trunks that are pulled down slightly. Just enough to show the top of his ass crack.

My stomach flips at the thought of him choosing such a public area to do this in. He doesn't seem like the type to do something like this, where he can easily get caught. I can only hope that what happened yesterday between us, has given him enough courage to want to try new things.

I can teach him a lot. He wouldn't know what to do with all the information I could give to him. How to touch a woman the proper way, to listen and pick up on what they like or dislike. How rough he should be. Just how good it feels to be soft with someone, and sexy when needed. My imagination of the endless possibilities are interrupted, the softest of moans I've ever heard leaves his pretty lips. It's over before it starts and he sounds so salacious my palms begin to sweat.

My thighs squeeze together from arousal. I feel my breathing become shallow as I watch him touch himself, unaware that I'm in the locker room with him.

A moan sneaks it's way up my throat as I witness his hand violently stroke his dick, he buckles under the pleasure. He immediately tucks himself back into his pants and pushes himself off the wall. His face is red and the sweat from his hard work is evident on his forehead. Loose strands of hair stick to his skin, he may have concealed himself but his heavy breathing is a dead giveaway.

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