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What You Want by Mase

The night sky is pitch black, the only light we have is the moon illuminating our surroundings. Harry wasted no time in leaving the club after I met who I needed to meet and brought me to a food truck. The entire ride consisted of nothing but full-on foodie commentary. I didn't interrupt him not once, taking in all his words. I'm not used to him talking so much, so I give him center stage and he takes it gladly.

He said they make the best rice and lamb he's ever tasted, but he reminded me that it's with little knowledge of food from around the world so his words hold little to no importance. I still listened to him ramble on about it though. I'm sitting on the top of his car, the heat emitting from the hood of the car warming my body on this particularly cold summer night. My tiny plastic bowl is filled to the brim with white rice and lamb chunks, so greasy and hot you can see the steam above it. Harry is shoving spoonfuls of food in his mouth, scarfing it down like he hasn't eaten all day. He loves this food truck food. A giggle leaves my lips as I look down at my food.

"I'm already full, and I've barely scratched the surface. Were they trying to feed a village with my order?" I laugh as I force the spoon into my mouth.

"That's the beauty of this truck! That's exactly why I love it. It's cheap and good quality for a lot of food. I almost always have leftovers." He smile is bright and his cheeks are full with food like a cute hungry hamster. "But you shouldn't force yourself to eat Love, you'll get sick." He puts his foot down and grabs mine out of my hands. He flips the top on and seals it closed.

"C'mon, let me take you home. It's getting late." He says putting all the food away in the bag. It was close to two o'clock, the date only just started and it's already ending. I don't want to leave him yet. It was like he could read my mind cause the next thing he said made me appreciate how attentive he really is. "Unless you'd like to come to my place. Spend the night with me?" He asks, smirking at me with his one dimple on display.

"I'd like that."

"Great." He nods, holding out his hand for me. He helps me off and in the car.


"I've always wanted to go camping,  to see the stars, and hear the animals at night." He watches the road, speaking out.

We've gone down every rabbit hole of conversation. Changing topics every couple of seconds, rambling on about whatever comes to mind. It's nice to know I can speak to someone like this, it's always so hard making friends. Nobody my age relates to me. It's a lot harder than it looks, being alone all the time. So, being with Harry tonight is something I'm not used to. I am enjoying myself though.

"Oh god, no I hate bugs. Imagine all the bugs." I cringe at the thought of having to go camping. "Don't make me do it." I plead.

"Oh, you're coming. I can't go by myself. What will happen when I don't have you to throw at the bears to save myself!" He emphasizes.

"Ouch! I thought what we had was special!" I gasp at his joke.

"I'll mourn you, don't stress. Everyone will know you for your bravery."

"But, I'm too pretty to die!" I yell in ear as he drives.

"Hm, it's a pity. Your beauty would go to waste." He peeks at me through his peripheral vision.

"A compliment and a promise to sacrifice me in one go! You sure know how to charm a lady." I quip.

"It's a gift."

The car goes silent, aside from the music playing.

So Fresh, So Clean by Outkast.

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