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Somethings Got A Hold On Me by Etta James

A knock on the door stops my frantic running back and forth.

"Crap, shit, fuck me!" I stumble over my words as I hop on one leg, fiddling with the straps on my ankle. I had two hours to get ready and that still wasn't enough time.

I decided on a nice two-piece set, it had a muddy orange and yellow tie-dye pattern. A singular flower sits in the middle of each piece. It's low-waisted and shows off a lot more skin than I intended. I decided to wear my double-plated name chain, 'Amor' is written in cursive lettering. She's tiny, cute, and doesn't take away from the outfit. I rush to open the door, not wanting him to wait outside any longer.

"Hey, you're here!"

"I wouldn't miss this for," His eyes fell to every part of my body, covered and uncovered. "you look... wow."

My face heats up, most likely turning three shades gradually. His presence alone is enough to cause uncontrollable heat to seep to the top of my cheeks, I don't think I can handle such compliments. To distract me I take in his outfit, trying to figure out where we are going and if by some chance the clues to that are in his outfit.

"It's not too much, right? You told me center of attention, I just didn't know how much attention I was dressing for. I can change, you know what I'll ch-"

I don't get to finish my sentence, cause I'm interrupted with a hand to my waist and a tug to the nape of my neck. Our lips crash together in a rush, they're soft and so inviting. I feel the room begin to spin, which only makes me smile into the kiss.

In my twenty-three years of living, I have never had a kiss make me feel like I was falling but in the best way possible. It's the soft, slow pecks that are making me weak in the knees, his hands roam my body with no shame. I've lost all my breath trying to keep up with his feverish kissing.

I slide my hands into his hair, lifting myself on the tip of my toes. I'm still nowhere near his height even with heels on, but he has no problem helping me out. He wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me the rest of the way.

He breaks the kiss, "Who knew you could be so self-conscious?" He smiles down at me, pushing my body into his. We can't get any closer.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, pretty boy. I may have submitted to you but I'm still in control here." My face is so close to his as I speak, I smell the mint gum he has under his tongue. My lips linger, teasing and ghosting over his.

"But, you sound so sexy when you beg me to touch you." He's more confident with his words, and I don't mind finding out how far he'll go with this.

"I was begging, yes, but who was on their knees?"

Silence surrounds us as he from what I can see thinks about what to say, and just like I expected his confident act comes to a screeching stop when he opens his mouth, intending to say something but nothing comes out.

I let him come to his realization as I loosen my grip around his neck and slide down his body. My heels clack on the floor, momentarily breaking his concentration.

"I'm gonna go get my purse, hold tight." I tap his chest, quickly leaving the door entrance. "Come in!"

I skip steps rushing up to my room, quickly grabbing my phone purse and keys, the jingle of my keys causes my cat to come shuffling out of my closet, nails scratching at my marble floor. I bolt out my bedroom door, trying to keep up with my drift queen of a cat. She charged down the steps, and onto the couch, jumping from one cushion to the next.

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