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Tempted To Touch by Rupee


For the entirety of my shift, Love has been teasing me. Her soft touches all over my body, lingering in dangerous areas. I am being publicly tortured. I'm so wound up from her watching me earlier in the locker room and now her in that bikini is doing nothing to help calm me down.

Every move she makes is calculated, and she does it with a smile on her face. She's antagonizing me. She plays it off well, nobody noticing how seductive she's becoming as time passes in this crowded pool. Her skin is hot from the sun as it glides against my own, it's addictive the way she touches me. I never want her to stop, she makes me feel like I'm being slowly dragged to hell for all the nasty things I've daydreamed about doing with her while simultaneously ascending to heaven with how beautiful she is.

I'm still on shift, so I have to focus on the resident children swimming. Love is a constant distraction, I lose sight of her for a fragment of a second only to feel her swimming between my legs, grabbing my thighs and leaving soft nibbles on my skin.

At this point I want her to take me away from all these people and take advantage of me, to use me and abuse me. I'm entranced with the way she talks, so confident and unapologetic.

She's like a waterfall, pushing and flowing down the rough edges of the rocks, filling up every crevice and crack. Ive never wanted someone as much as I want her. Her words weave their way into every corner of my brain, taking over every one of my senses. Leaving no room for anyone else.

In the short amount time getting to know Love, I've noticed she barely talks to people. I'm also very aware she never actually spoke to the women she sat with all the times. It's humorous to have knowledge of what they've spoken of me so freely in front of her. Seeing us interact for two days straight must be a big shock to them. I haven't noticed because I can't even concentrate on anything else but Love. She is at the forefront of my mind, night and day. Her plush lips are softly brushing against each other as her words leave her mouth, while she converses with her friends. Her long dirty blonde hair is draped over her back as small droplets drip front the ends of it, leaving wet marks on the top of her exposed ass. She has a glow to her, her new tan accentuating her toned dancer body.

That's one new thing I've learned about her, she's a dancer and a damn good one. I also learned that she has a dance partner.

I'm not mad cause he's male, that would be childish of me. I'm more focused on him touching her, and her enjoying it. I don't think I can give her what she wants, I don't have it in me to take the lead. I can't even imagine me doing the things she's done to me, I think I would pass out from the pressure of it all. I want to, so badly that it physically hurts me to know someone can please her in ways I can't.

I barely know her and already can't stand the thought of someone getting her the way I have, a tight burning feeling forms in the middle of my chest just thinking about it. She's enigmatic to the point where I find myself ready to show her exactly what I want to do to her, and I've never taken control of anything in my life.

I watch her walk around mingling, smiling, and laughing with her friends. I can't help but wonder if she would ever let me take control if I decided to. She seems to be dominant, in almost every aspect of her life. Even though I'm on the clock I've been watching attentively. Her friends rely on her a lot, to keep the conversation going, or else they would be lost. Wherever she goes they follow.

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