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Harry insisted I come to his house. He said he has very big, life changing news. With his frequent meetings at Sterlings office, they've had plenty of time to discuss the many possible career opportunities they can do together. Harry recently got asked by Sterling to manage him for the foreseeable future. At first, I was confused. What could he possibly need a manager for?

Immediately after hearing Harry sing and getting all the information in full detail, it's something I see working out and strongly encouraged. Sterling sure does have an amazing eye for talent. Him picking up on that has me jumping for joy. The prospect of him having his dream come true is going to be worth all the effort he's already started putting in.

When I get to the front door I pick up the spare key Harry leaves for me from under the doormat. It's mostly quiet when I enter, aside from a small voice that echoes through the living room. Harry is humming quietly to himself but it's beautiful nonetheless. Ever since I found out that he can sing, I ask him every chance I get to serenade me. He always gets so shy. I find it so precious. The past three month has been mainly us getting to know each other more. Cute things mostly. I've noticed when he eats, he sticks his tongue out a little before putting the food in his mouth. It makes me giggle every time I see his little tongue jab out to reach the spoon. Oh, and for some odd reason when he sleeps on his back, he sleeps talks. it's not even normal conversation either, it's just a bunch of demands. The kicker is that if I don't listen it'll cause a chain reaction of being manhandled, him will force me on top of his chest and knock right out like nothing even happened. To make it all worse he's a literal portable heater. I stopped wearing pajamas to sleep because of him. It's just too hot. He's an avid hater for mornings, which is fine by me cause I do too. But, his true love is breakfast in bed.

"Can't go wrong with some sunny side up eggs, with two sausages and a stack of pancakes." He says.

We've also discussed the basics of any human being. My allergies being the first question he asked, which threw me for a loop.

*Three Week Ago*

"What are you allergic to, other than cats?"

"That's a long list," I say, widening my eyes and scuffing a little. "Cats as you know, when I get scratched by them the cut swells up so much and itches pretty bad. Their saliva causes me to mildly rash up in the area. Same with dogs. I'm severely allergic to bunnies. Grass, trees, mildly allergic to kiwis but I still eat them, and pineapples." I finish off, grabbing one finger for every one thing I name.

I don't notice how quiet it's been while I'm trying to think if I'm missing anything until I've already blurted out the last thing. "Oh, and peanut butter, mildly!" I've lived with these minuscule imperfections for majority of my life, all my food allergies came as age crept up on me. I look up at Harry when I finish, hyper-focused on the floor trying to get all the information out. He looks like he's seen a ghost.

"Why would you eat or be around things you are allergic to?! Are you mad?! Love, please tell me you're joking?" His voice is jumpy and his eyes are bulging out in shock.

"Mildly, Harry. I won't die from these things. Well, the bunny maybe." I joke, trying to lighten up the mood. My statement only causes him to freak out even more.

"Do you not care about your life?"

"Mildly," I laugh at my own joke. "It's fine though. I'm usually cautious when I eat things I'm mildly allergic to. In terms of my allergies to animals, I love them. I can withstand sneezing to have a life companion." I say with a smile.

Harry's face visibly relaxes, he's been trying hard to understand why I have Finnegan if I'm so obviously allergic to her. My love for Finnegan goes far beyond my comfortability, he's finally starting to understand.

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