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19th January 2010

Anastasia Novikov knew her mission.

Kill the target and get out of there as quick as possible.

The strawberry blonde haired Russian turned to her partner in crime as he slams on the brakes, looking straight ahead emotionlessly.

"Почему ты остановился, Джеймс?" She asks him curiously.
(Why did you stop, James?)

"Мы приехали" The Winter Soldier answers simply.
(We have arrived)

Anastasia jumps out of the car and her super soldier counter half follows her actions. She makes a move to walk towards the target but her arm is grabbed, causing her to turn to the owner of the metal arm holding her wrist.

"Что-то не так?" She hums.
(Is something wrong?)

"Внутри есть шпион" He explains, looking at the dimly lit club.
(There is a spy inside)

"Позвольте мне разобраться со шпионом. Ты должен вывезти цель" Anastasia orders.
(Let me deal with the spy. You must take out the target.)

The man nods and she smiles softly at him, patting his chest. The soldiers enter the club and the Novikov woman immediately spots the redheaded spy who is observing them from the bar. James and Anastasia split up, the former heading to the bar while the latter searches for the target. Anastasia sits down right next to the redhead and pastes on a bright smile for the male bartender.

"A shot of vodka, please" She orders politely.

The man grabs a shot glass and pours the alcohol into it, sliding it down the bar. Anastasia catches the glass and takes the shot, humming in satisfaction as she turns to the woman next to her. Before the Novikov woman can get a word out, the redhead's eyes widen and she grabs the strawberry blonde's face in disbelief.

"Ana? Is it really you?" She blurts out.

"Who the hell are you?" Anastasia scoffs, pulling out of the woman's hold.

"It's me, Ana. It's Natasha" She explains "You know me"

"I don't know what kind of game you're playing, spy, but I do not know you" Anastasia spits out in anger, making Natasha's face fall.

"Who did this to you?" Natasha demands.

Anastasia decides she's had enough of the redhead's games and gets up, searching for James. She exits the club to see him waiting in the car, blood splattered over his face letting her know he done his job but a hand grabbing her shoulder reminds her that she hasn't done hers.

"Ana, talk to me!" Natasha yells desperately but all she receives is a fist to the face.

Anastasia throws another punch but the redhead dodges it, grabbing the woman's arm and pulling it behind her back. The strawberry blonde throws her head back, smiling in satisfaction when she hears the sickening crack. Natasha then spins her around and slams her fist into Anastasia's face. The Novikov woman runs at the redhead in rage but Natasha swiftly grabs her head and slams it against the nearest car. The window shatters and Anastasia stumbles back, feeling light headed.


"I hate it here" Little Anastasia cries.

"We'll get out one day" Young Natasha assures her little sister.

"Do you promise?" Anastasia asks with glassy eyes.

"I promise. I'll get you out of here" The older girl smiles reassuringly.

"I love you, Nat" Anastasia grins, throwing her arms around the redhead.

"I love you too, Ana" Natasha hums.

end of flashback

Anastasia looks at the redheaded Romanoff girl in awe, her eyes watering.

"Natasha?" She croaks.

Without another word, Natasha pulls her little sister into a tight hug and rubs her back with red rimmed eyes as Anastasia sobs.

A loud engine roar splits the two apart and the younger Russian abruptly remembers her partner sitting only metres away. She whips around to see James spinning the car around to leave.

"Shit, stop!" She screams, running towards the car "James, wait!"

The man makes eye contact with the strawberry blonde one last time before speeding off and leaving her behind.

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