Chapter 11- Battle of the Ex's

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Vicky's POV

After I get out of the shower I send a good morning text to Teddy.

As I send it someone calls me. The caller I.D. reads.


My heart stops. I click answer.


"Hey. It's Paul."

"Oh hi." My hand shakes.

"I'm sorry for calling out of the blue. My counselor says I need to let go of my past so he encouraged me to call or visit you."

"It's alright. I'm happy your doing good though." I sit on my bed.

"Yeah I'm just over a year of being sober."

"Congratulations. I'm super proud."

"Thanks. I was also calling to say that I am in town for a small conference and I was wondering if you would want to talk and catch up."

"I mean I was supposed to hang out with a friend today but I can cancel for a few hours."

"No I don't want to interrupt your day."

"No it's okay. I want to see you in person."

"Okay how about I meet you on campus so you won't have to go far."

"Yeah I'll send you directions to a coffee shop here. Meet around 9?"

"Sounds good. I can't wait to see you."

"Me either. Bye."

"See ya."

I hit end and peek at my phone when I'm done.

Teddy texted back.

Instead of answering I finish getting ready.

When I walk into the shop I scan around the room.

I spot him at a comer table.

I walk over and see he already ordered for me.

He gets up. I give him a quick hug.

"Hey how have you been?" I ask when he pulls away.

"Really great honestly." He smiles.

We sit.

"Vanilla Iced Latte right?" He asks.

"You remembered thanks."

"Yeah I still remember most of the stuff that the drugs didn't take away."

"I'm sorry Paul."

"No I should be sorry and I should thank you for the push. You are the reason I am sober today."

"That was all you."

"So how college?"

"Pretty good. I majored in Art and so far it's been so fun."

"Im proud of you for chasing your dream and happy I didn't hold you back."

"Don't say that."

"It's alright I know the truth."

"What have you been doing?"

"I work for my Dads garage right now. I'm looking into trade school though for welding."

"That's amazing."

"Yeah anyway I was hoping we could reconnect."

"Um I actually met someone here."

"Oh what's his name?" He fidgets with his cup.

"Theo, well most people call him Teddy. He plays football and he is a business major."

"You mean Theodore Grey?"

I blush. "That's him."

"I never took you for dating stuck up rich guys."

This instantly makes me mad. "You know I would never be in it for the money and he is an actual good person. You can't judge someone you have never met."

"I just know from tabloids and the internet."

"That stuff lies. Look he treats me well and I could very well see him for the rest of my life." I look down. "He is my endgame."

"Look I have no right to say anything. I just hope he doesn't hurt you."

"He won't."

"I will take your word for it. Well I have to go I have to meet with some people at 10:30." He seems a little on edge.

"Oh well it was nice seeing you."

We get up and I give him a hug. I pull away before I lasts too long.

"Don't be a stranger." We walk out.

"I won't and keeping doing good. There will be great things to come Paul."

We part ways.


Teddy's POV

I have been calling her for hours and leaving so many messages.

I go to her dorm and find Emma alone.

"Yeah she was meeting with someone. I don't know who it was but I told her it was fine because I needed to finish an essay."

I pace the room.

"Well one of my teammates saw her with some guy."

Emma sits up. "That's not like her. She wouldn't do that."

"I know. I just need to make sure everything is okay."

"What did he look like?"

"I don't know she didn't tell me."

We hear the door jingle. She walks in. She freezes when she sees me.

"Hey what are you doing here? I thought you had workouts." She comes up to me.

I hold her at arms length. "Where have you been? Why haven't you answered your phone?"

"I think I'm going to leave for a little." Emma steps out.

"What do you mean? I had it off. I was getting some coffee."

"With some guy? Yeah Marcus saw you with him."

She sits down on her bed. "If you give me a chance to explain."

"A chance. I just need to know why? Was it the money?"

She stands straight up. "The money? Teddy you really are dumb." She pushes my chest.

"If I wanted to cheat on you then I would do better at hiding. If I wanted to take you money then I would act like those bimbos throwing my boobs in your face. You thought I was the one? Obviously not if you can't trust me or believe me."

He goes to speak but goes silent.

"I need you to leave."

He grabs his phone from the bed.


He opens and slams the door.

That's when I finally let go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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