Chapter 1-Bye Seattle

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Theo's POV:

August 3, 2030(Did the math omg futuristic crap right here)

I shut the back of my Audi and turn to my family. My mother is crying in my Dads arms while Phoebe has an arm over my little brother Jake. My grandparents are looking proud and my Aunts and Uncles are as well. Today is the day I leave for Harvard.

I hug my Aunts and Uncles goodbye then my grandparents. When I get to my siblings Phoebe hugs the life out of me and I bend down and whisper to Jake, "Hey you take care of Mom, Dad, and Pheebs, okay?" He nods then wipes his tears and hugs me. I turn my parents.

I hug my dad and thank him for everything. I have to follow in his footsteps and become the new CEO of Grey Enterprises. I move to my mother and she crys in my chest. "My baby boy, Teddy Bear. I remember you would run around with that special toy car and promised you would never grow up. But look at you," She stares at me arm length then crushes me back into her arms. "I love you Teddy."

"I love you too Mom. I will always be your little boy but I'll just be gone for a little." I say and smile as we break apart.

I step back and get into the SUV. Taylor is driving me to the airport. I wave goodbye.

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As I step out of the private jet I open the umbrella.

There is a beautiful Audi R8 parked before me and Walter, my CPO, is loading my luggage. The flight attendent hands me a envelop I thank her.

To Teddy:

This is your new car. We had to let you start off with something for college. Love you son.

Your Parents.

I look at my car and walk around touching it. OMG I fucking love it.

"Get in Walter!" I say and hop into the driver seat.

I start her up with a purr. Oooo I love her already. I touch the dash,"I think I'll name you Michelle."

Walter chuckles and I pull out of the Airport into the Boston traffic.

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I settle into my apartment when I get a knock on the door.

I open it to see Mike, my best friend since Kindergarten standing out there.

"Wass up dude. Settle in?" He says and steps in. "Dude your parents got more money than sense."

I chuckle,"So I have been told." We leap onto the sofa. Yeah my apartment might be a little bit bigger than other students but like my mother always told me, Don't love the money, embrace it.

"Time to head out buddy. Its your first night here and we need to celebrate." I chuckle and head into my room. I pull out Jeans and a white T-Shirt. I put my chucks on and slip on a red and black flanel. I step out and say,"Lets go."

We hop into my R8."Dang I love this car more than anyone on this Earth, even Emma Stone." Mike says rubbing the dash.

"Thats what I said when I first saw her." I drive us to a bar called Boston Hights.

"Hey bro I'm only 18." I say and Mike laughs.

"I know a guy come on."

We walk in and god its loud. Music beats and the smell of alcohol is strong.

I stay at a table while Mike gets us drinks. When he comes back we head to the dance floor.

While dancing I accidently bump into someone and make them fall. It's a small brunette.

I help her up and as soon as our eyes meet we are both goners.

--------------End of Chapter One--------

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