Chapter 5- Dating?

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Vicky's POV

I open my eyes but only to find I was moved from the couch to the bed. I also fine Teddy with his legs intertwined with mine and his head on my chest.

He looks like a little kid when he sleeps. I can't wait for dinner tonight.

My phone vibrates on the side table and I reach to grab it without waking Teddy. Gabby texted me.

Hey how was your first day? Meet any guys?

It was boring. Just reading the syllabus in all of my classes. I actually met this one guy. He is pretty cute. I miss you!

I put my phone down on the table and try to move Teddy off me so I can run to get coffee.

I don't succeed and he opens his eyes and smiles.

"Morning." He says and yawns. He sits up.

"Morning sleepy head."

"What time is it?" He looks at his phone. Then frantically jumps up and runs into his closet.

"Why are you rushing?"

He slides a shirt over his head. " I have a morning run with the guys at 8 am. Its 7:45 and I still need coffee."

"Oh well I'll make some while you get ready."

"Thanks." He leans in to give me a kiss.

I back away. "Ewe you haven't brushed your teeth yet." I push him into the bathroom.

After I make him a to go coffee and he leaves with a kiss goodbye.

I get my stuff and start heading to my loft to get ready for my class.

--------------------------------------Pageeeeee Break--------------------------------------------

Theo's POV

After the run with the guys I go home and shower for my class.

I barely make it in time. I call a restaurant called Big Bear and make a reservation for tonight. I also run to the mall and buy a couple things. I am planning the biggest surprise. I head over to her apartment and start setting up for tonight. It is going to be perfect.

--------------------------------Anotha PAge BReakkk--------------------------------------

Vicky's POV

After my last class I head home to get ready for tonight.

When I get home there is a note on my front door.

Be ready by 8. Look in your closet. - Theo x

I smile and go inside. I head into my closet to find two boxes.

On top I find another note.

I thought this would look amazing on you. When your done there should be a ride waiting for you out front at 8. -Theo x

I open the first box to find a beautiful blue strapless dress. In the other box I find black louboutins. I change and curl my hair. I put light makeup on.

At 7:58 I am ready and my door bell rings. I open the door to find a large bouquet of with roses. I look up and down the halls of the apartment building and pick the flowers up. I place them on the counter and take the card out of the holder.

White Roses signify young love. Hopefully I can find love with you. Don't mean to be too forward. Oh and your ride is waiting. - Theo x

I put the note down. Love? Could this be love? I think it is too soon to tell but I sure hope it is.

I grab my purse and head out the door. I find a limbo waiting outside.

A man comes around and opens the door and invites me in.

"Miss Webber. Mr. Grey is waiting for you."

I slide in the seat. We drive to a restaurant called Big Bear. I go inside.

"Miss Webber. Follow me to your table." The hostess says.

I follow her into the back of the restaurant and back outside. The first thing I see is bright lights that hang from the patio. The next thing is a candelit table for two.

The last but the best thing I see is Theo walking out from around back in a black suit.

"Wow." He says looking at me. "I didn't you would look that good in that dress. Do a spin for me." He twirls his finger and I spin around for him.

He stalks towards me. "Hi." He grabs my waist and pulls me to him.

"Hi. Did you like everything?"

"Of course. But you did go a little over the top with this."

"Just a tiny bit huh?"

I nod and laugh with him.

"Sit. Dinner is almost ready."

We sit and start talking about our day.

The food comes and we have an amazing meal.

"Ready for the next part of the date?"

"There's more?" I begin to feel more anxious.

"Yup. Now time to head out."

He grabs my hand and we leave the restaurant.

Teddy drives me to a small buy Farley unique pond.

I gasp when I see..

Howdy Folks. Sorry I haven't been updating but I have been writing some of my own stuff. Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and I wish you all a happy New Year.

Mia x

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