Chapter 4- First Day.

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Theo POV:

August 8th, 2030

I wake and rub my eyes.

After Vicky spent the night, I took her home and haven't seen her since. But I got her number and we text a lot.

I have my first classes today and my first practice with the team.

I get up and take a quick shower. I put on jeans and a tee. I puts some Vans on and make myself some cereal.

I check my phone and see I have messages from Vicky, Mom, and Mike.

From Vicky:
Have a good day at school. Good luck with practice too.

I send her a quick text telling her good luck with her classes too.

From Mom:
Oh sweetie have a good first day. Miss you a bunch.

I text her a Thanks and told her to send my love to the family.

From Mike:
Hey buddy after class and practice wanna hang?

I tell him I might be hanging out with Vicky, sorry.

When I'm done with breakfast I grab my bag and keys and leave.

I run to Starbucks and grab two coffees.

I drive to Vicky's and knock on her door.

"Who is it?"

"Delivery for the Victoria Webber!" I smile.

She opens the door and I hold out the coffee. "Your favorites. Coffee and me."

She laughs and grabs my hand and the coffee. "Come on in. The coffee might be a favorite but not you." I pout and she laughs.

"Don't you have a class?" She asks.

I look at my watch. "Not till another 45 mins."

"Thanks for the coffee." She says.

"Let me finish getting ready and you can take me to my class."

"Alright I guess." I say.

She leaves and I pick up some of her magazines and read.

10 mins later she comes out. I look at her then back at the magazine then back at her and drop the magazine.

She's wear ripped jeans, knee high brown leather boots, a button up blouse with a scarf.

"You look, um, very, uh, nice." I stutter.

She walks by and closes my mouth. "You'll catch flies." She giggles that favorite sound of mine.

She puts her jacket on and grabs my hand. "Come on we'll be late."

We walk out holding hands and I open the door.

I hear flashes. I groan. "Great the press."

"Cover your eyes." I tell her and put my sunglasses on.

Walter comes out of no where.

"Mr. Grey I'll clear a path." He says.

"Walter please meet my friend Victoria Webber. Vicky meet my CPO, Walter."

"Hello Walter." She says and tightens her hand in mine when she sees the press outside.

"Mam, lets go." He says and opens the door and clears a path for you.

There is camera flashes and clicks.

"Teddy Grey who is this?"

"Is she your girlfriend?"

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