Chapter 5

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I woke with a startle trying to gather my thoughts from the past evenings events, my neck was hurting and I was still in my clothes. I stretched to try to relieve some of the tightness in my body and slowly stood using what strength I had to move the chest of drawers away from the door. Peering into the corridor, I listened to see if anything was untoward but once reassured I stalked into the living room with my gun at arm's length to be on the safe side should there be a threat. Assessing my surroundings, I quickly realised that nothing was out of the ordinary and thankfully, no one had tried to break in.

I decided to put the gun back into the metal tin under the sink, as I didn't like carrying it around with me. I would use it if required to do so but I was still a little shaky when using guns although my father had taught me how to use one from an early age. The Skulls had obviously intended to scare and not harm, which they succeeded in doing but I didn't want to now become a victim.
They now knew where I lived, would I really be in danger and have to move?
I let out a loud sigh looking around my apartment that had now become my home. I liked it here, I had started to rebuild my life and was now happy, and shouldn't have to leave because of Hawke's infatuation. I didn't owe him shit and wouldn't give him the satisfaction of scaring me further.
I decided to have a long shower to try and wash away some of my worries and tension that had built since last night and my new found braveness that would hopefully help me to move on with my life.

Half an hour later, I had recharged my batteries and started to make the salad and rice dishes I intended to take to the party. Being around the old ladies at the Skulls MC had given me a good insight into what would be expected today. I couldn't turn up empty handed and expect to drink their beer and eat their food all day as this would be considered as disrespectful.
It was a lovely sunny day but as I was going to ride my Harley, I decided to wear jeans and a vest top rather than a summer dress. My tight fitted skinny jeans enhanced my curves and my red vest top showed just enough cleavage to not be indecent, and I topped it off with my black leather jacket to keep me warm and safe on the journey over to the clubhouse. I packed the food containers into a rucksack and left my apartment making sure that I locked it securely.

I arrived at the Aces clubhouse with the party in full swing and could feel the nervous tension building inside me. I parked my motorcycle next to a line of Harley's and unfastened my jacket as I assessed my surroundings, looking around the yard. I noticed the similarities between the two clubs but the Aces were on a grander scale with a garage and four other brick buildings on the sizable plot which included a garage.
It was nearly 1.00pm and the sun was beating down on me so I removed my jacket placing it over my seat along with my now empty rucksack and I carried the food into the heart of the party.

"Harlow!" Amy shouted, waving at me from the back of the courtyard. I weaved through the throngs of people making my way over to a group of ladies who were serving food, cooking and generally fussing around people.
I held out the containers to Amy, "I've brought a salad and some rice dishes."
Amy smiled and took the containers from me, "Hey everyone, this is Harlow. She's Ethan's new girlfriend." Amy beamed brightly looking at the other ladies, who had all stopped what they were doing and were now looking in my direction assessing me making me feel like a new girl on her first day at school.
I nervously started to protest when a set of big strong arms wrapped around my waist pulling me into their embrace. I let out a squeak and turned to see Diesel smiling, he bent down and kissed me before I even registered what he was about to do. At first, I was taken aback by his brashness but I couldn't help but join in, he placed his hand in my hair at the top of my neck that was becoming a common theme so that he could control the kiss. I could feel myself getting carried away and felt Diesel's excitement digging into my stomach that amused me. Remembering that we were among his friends I tried to pull away but it was too late, the cheers and clapping surrounded us as I tried to get out of his embrace.
"Where do you think you're going?" Diesel whispered into my ear as he kissed my cheek softly and worked his way slowly towards my neck. I could feel the heat rising through my body and didn't know if it was Diesel making me hot or the shear embarrassment of being ravished with an audience.

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