Chapter 11

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We were at Ink's apartment in just under ten minutes. I hadn't asked Amy if Ink was okay, I just knew that she was in trouble if Jimmy was dead. We pulled up outside in unison but Duke was first off his bike, running over to Jimmy's body and a hysterical Amy.
I pulled out my glock and ran into Ink's apartment to see that there was clear evidence of a struggle. I stalked around the apartment looking in every room until I got to the bathroom, there was water everywhere the bathmats were drenched and Ink's clothes were all over the floor, which was unusual for her. I checked the temperature of the water to find that it was tepid which told me this carnage had happened within the last half hour, the Skulls couldn't be far.
I walked around the apartment looking for clues but there was not anything to help us in our pursuit to find Ink. Leaving the apartment I went over to where Duke and the people had congregated, noticing that Duke was on his phone speaking heatedly to someone.
I reluctantly walked over to where Jimmy's body was lying, he had been dragged down the side of the building and hidden behind a large bin and on closer inspection, I saw the deep wound that ran along his neck, he hadn't stood a fucking chance.
I could feel the rage building inside me and needed to get the wheels in motion, "Right, Jimmy's dead and Ink's missing, what are we doing standing around? What's the plan Duke?" I asked getting impatient as Duke ended his call.
"That was Delta, Flex's right hand man. He said that Hawke, Patch, Flex and Skinny Pete, took off about an hour ago, they didn't tell anyone where they were going." Duke walked further away from the apartment with his hands in his hair, it was always hard losing a Brother. I know Jimmy wasn't patched but he was going to be soon, and had been with the club for over a year he was family.
"For fucks sake, get him covered over with something." Duke shouted at the guys standing around Jimmy's body.

I glanced over at Amy to see that Spike was comforting her, she'd grown close to Jimmy over recent weeks and I was concerned as to how she was going to cope with losing him.
"Delta thinks they've gone to either of two places. They have two warehouses off the beaten track, one in High Laver and the other in Fyfield. Let's split up, I'll take Spike, CJ, Locke and Skinner and you take Rex, Hound, Justice and Woods. We need to get back to the clubhouse to arm ourselves and Doc is on his way with the van to take Jimmy." We stood staring into space, composing ourselves before we rode into war.

Back at the clubhouse everyone agreed with the plan Duke and I had discussed. Bear handed out enough guns and ammunition to take down a small army and we set out together heading north, and finally split into two groups once we reached the B183. We pumped our chest twice in respect for each other and drove our separate ways, secretly hoping there was nothing to worry about and we would all be meeting up later.

We were familiar with all their hideouts and storage places. Since the first attack on Ink, the Skulls had been put under part surveillance but I was still unsure how they'd got to Ink and Jimmy in broad daylight. We should've put them under full surveillance and this was something I would be discussing with Bear later. The ride was taking too long, I was getting agitated and that is no way to be feeling when going into battle.

We parked our motorcycles about half a mile away from the warehouse so the Skulls didn't hear us coming, as the element of surprise was our only advantage. Rex took the lead running swiftly through the undergrowth, his Military background ever present and Hound, Justice, Woods and I followed caching up with him at the clearing where the warehouse stood. We crouched evaluating our options, there were two doors on the front of the building and a garage door to the right with huge metal shutters. On the lower ground there were two windows in which we could possibly look through and I noticed a black VW Transporter parked outside to the right of the building.
"We can't possibly get through those metal shutters without making too much noise, so our only option is to go through the doors." Everyone agreed, nodding their heads in unison.

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