Chapter 12

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I dragged Hawke's body off Harlow's lap, he was a huge man and it took a lot to remove the dead weight. I noticed the cuts on the tops of Harlow's thighs and quickly removed my cut and t-shirt to tear strips the length of the material.
Harlow was whimpering and her breathing became laboured, "Harlow, it's going to be okay you're safe now but I've gotta wipe this shit off your face," I used the material from my shirt to wipe away what was left of Hawke. "I'm gonna try and stop your legs from bleeding, it will hurt but I've gotta do it babe. You've just gotta be brave for me."
Harlow didn't say a word she just sat staring at me with a vacant expression. I lifted her left leg, gently placing the material underneath and wrapped it around securing it tightly. She tried to recoil but I held firm, "I've gotta do this babe, I know it hurts but the guys will be here soon and we'll take you to Doc."
I continued to stem the bleeding and did the same with the other leg. Harlow was drifting in and out of conciseness, I slapped her lightly on the cheek, "Stay with me babe, try and keep your eyes open."

I heard a commotion and glanced towards the stairs to see Duke.
"Duke stop man and throw me your t-shirt and give us a minute." Duke looked at me and glanced over my shoulder evaluating the situation in front of him. Not saying a word he removed his cut and t-shirt and threw it to me before giving me a nod and going back up stairs to wait.

Harlow was now shivering from the cold, using my knife I unfastened her wrists as I held the top of her arm securely. It was most certainly broken and I didn't want to cause any more damage. It took some time but I managed to get Dukes t-shirt on Harlow and used the rest of the material from my shirt to make a sling for her busted arm. Although she must have been in pain, she was in shock and I was mindful of getting her to Doc as soon as possible as she was losing blood fast.


Hound and I rode our bikes to the warehouse in High Laver as fast as we could, closely followed by Justice in the Ford Transit. We knew that Ink had to be here but didn't know what kind of reception the other guys would've been greeted with. As we pulled up outside the warehouse, I noticed Skinner walking around the outside of the building with a couple of cans of petrol.
The noise of the vehicles made him draw his 9mm, bracing himself for an attack.
"Skinner, its fine man it's us." I yelled, taking off my helmet as I ran over to him. "Have you found her?" I could hear my strained words, there was a possibility that she could've been found injured or even worse, and I didn't know how my heart would handle that.
"She's in the barn behind this warehouse." Skinner stated looking at the ground. I went to take off but he grabbed my arm, "Diesel, Harlow's in a bad way man. Spikes with her but don't go in there all fists flying." I looked at his hand holding my arm and shook him off, running over to the barn as I needed to be with her.

I burst through the front door to see Locke handcuffing Flex and I noticed what looked like an unconscious Patch on the floor. CJ was talking animatedly on the phone pacing around the room that he didn't even notice me as I flew past stalking into an office at the back of the building, where I found a bare chested Duke leaning against the kitchen worktop with his arms folded across his broad chest.
"Where is she Duke?" I said frantically walking over to him.
"She's down those stairs but Diesel, she's in shock man just go easy."

I opened the door and ran down the stairs assessing the sight in front of me. Spike was carrying a half clothed Ink, her left arm was in a make shift sling and I could see that she had material wrapped around her thighs. I wanted to hug her, to hold her tight but I stopped myself through fear of hurting her. I looked past them to see a body on the floor. What the fuck had happened? I'd promised to look after her but I'd let her down again.

Spike carried her to Doc's van and placed her gently in the front seat for Doc to examine her quickly and assess her injuries. We tried to keep knife and bullet wounds within the club because a hospital visit would alert the police, that's why we had Doc on our books.
He removed the material from her thigh to reveal a two inch stab wound.
"Diesel make yourself useful and hold this torch." Doc said holding out the blue Maglite. I turned it on and held it directly on Ink's injuries to see that it was a clean cut which would make the healing process quicker. She'd been stabbed with force and I could feel the anger build inside me, that the torch started to shake.
Doc placed his hand gently on mine, "Calm down Diesel, she's going to be okay." Doc's reassuring words made me feel a little better but I was still full of hatred towards Hawke and only wished that I'd pulled the trigger myself.

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