Chapter 3

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The week had run smoothly without incident and I'd attracted new customers, which had pleased Spike, and I think he was genuinely happy with the progress I was making. Thursday had now arrived and I had butterflies in my stomach again. What was I doing? I had moved recently to avoid drams so did I need any more excitement in my life?
I'd finished my last client ten minutes ago and had taken myself into the bathroom to make myself a little more presentable for my date with Diesel.

As I was looking in the mirror, something caught my eye. "Hey Spike, is everything okay?" I asked as he walked cautiously into the small bathroom.
"I don't know yet? How serious is it getting with you and Diesel?" He asked seriously, crossing his arms as he leant on the doorframe.
"Well, we're going out this evening and he's asked me to the party at the club on Saturday. Do you have a problem with me seeing him?" I asked genuinely with a puzzled expression. I didn't want to fall out with Spike, he'd been kind and had given me such a great opportunity.
"Look Harlow, Diesel's a great guy. He's not only my cousin but my closest friend." Spike retreated from the bathroom moving into the kitchenette and quickly packed away my stuff shoving it into my locker before following him.
"I'm not sure how much you know about how clubs like ours work but I just want you to be careful and not get into anything you don't want too." I could see that he was embarrassed trying to have this conversation with me, like a dad talking to his daughter about sex for the first time.
"I know more about club business than most. I'm not gonna go into details but my mum was a stripper that offered extra's before she died of an overdose when I was four." I looked into his eyes so that he could see I was serious but again I couldn't read his expression. "I'd never put myself in any unnecessary danger and that's one of the reasons I moved recently."
I smiled at him, "I appreciate you looking out for me though." I closed the gap between us and hugged Spike, holding him close. I think he was a little taken aback by my actions but I wanted him to know that I was grateful.

Spike was a good looking guy, he had it all going on but he didn't give me the butterflies that Diesel did, it was a shame as I think life would be a lot less complicated if I were attracted to him. At this moment in time, I needed a friend as I'd left mine behind when I parted with the Skulls after the death of my father. Who would have thought I'd find a friend in a big hot biker!

I was pulled from my thoughts as an irate Diesel stalked into the room.
"Do I need to kick your arse all over the shop?" Diesel looked menacing with his fists clenched.
"Shut up you dick, we were just... bonding! Now get out of my shop, I have a hot date tonight." Spike walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him with a bang clearly annoyed by Diesel's comment. Spike had said that they were close, I only hoped that I hadn't caused any friction between them.
"You ready?" Diesel asked holding out his hand, which I took willingly and moved into his embrace, feeling those bloody butterflies coming back again!

Stepping out of the shop, I felt the chill in the air and I was pleased that I had brought my leather jacket to work. Diesel gave me a helmet with a mic so that we could talk to each other during the journey.
"Where we going?" I asked as I secured the helmet tightly under my chin.
"For a ride, maybe grab some food later if you're hungry?" I got onto the bike and snaked my arms around Diesel's waist, holding him close and noticing how our bodies fit perfectly. I let out a long loud sigh forgetting about the mics, "You okay there babe?" Diesel asked with humour in his voice.
"More than okay, don't worry about me." I moved my hands closer to his belt and snuggled further as I heard Diesel inhale a deep breath and I knew I was affecting him as he had me.

We rode for twenty minutes and left the town for more serene surroundings along unfamiliar roads that led further into the countryside. Diesel indicated before turning onto a dirt track lined with pine trees that opened up into a small clearing at the end of the lane. He turned off the engine and I eagerly looked around taking in my surroundings and breathing in the crisp air.
"Come on, I want to show you something." He held my hand lightly as he helped me from the bike but took it with a little more force as he led me down a shingle path almost excitedly. He led me through the trees mindful of the prickly bushes that lined the pathway and the comfortable silence continued between us until we reached the edge of the hillside.

Diesel (Aces MC #1)Where stories live. Discover now