Chapter 19: Game of Chase

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Lloyd squirmed in his sleeping spot for a few minutes or so. It wasn't until he woke up in a cold sweat. He breathed heavily before looking around mumbling, "It was just a nightmare. Phew..." He said in relief. He turned around to look at the others but before doing that, he looked up at the sky. It was still night. He was about to say something to his friends when he noticed that they weren't there.

He looked around while still being in a seated position, trying to keep himself calm, "Guys?" He got up and started walking around a good distance from the campfire that has already gone out, only burnt logs remained in the circle of the small ring of rocks.

"Kai? Jay? Cole! Zane!" He started shouting, worried more for his friends' lives than his own, "PIXAL! Skylor! Vania!" No one answered. His eyes showed that he was deeply concerned, "Come on guys. If this is a joke, it's not funny." He stated. When no one answered, he knew that this was serious, "We've already lost Nya. I can't lose you guys now!"

He stopped in his tracks and his knees buckled. His legs gave out and he just sat on the ground in a crouched position. The corners of his mouth turned down and into a frown. He was about to let a tear slide down his face when he heard something behind him. He looked back and saw some leaves moving, then he heard a rustling sound.

He got up and into a fighting stance, ready to defend himself. He heard something again, but this time, it was behind him. He looked towards that way and his hands lit up with green energy, ready to shoot. He heard the rustling behind him again and shot an energy orb towards the sound as soon as his body turned. It left some leaves on a bush burnt, but he didn't hit anything else or rather, anyone.

He heard something running again but this time, he saw that someone was hiding behind a tree. He created an energy orb in his hands with a scowl on his face, "Whoever you are?! Show yourself!" He commanded.

The person stuck their head out and Lloyd instantly extinguished his energy beam. He ran towards the person, "Kai!" He shouted his name in relief. He hugged his honorary brother but he felt that Kai didn't return it. Sensing that something was wrong, he let go of the hug and asked, "What's wrong? Have you seen the others?" Lloyd rested a hand on Kai's shoulder.

Kai gently removed Lloyd's hand from his shoulder and pulled it while he ran in a certain direction. Lloyd yelped at the sudden gesture but follow him anyway, "Where are we going?" Kai didn't respond and just kept leading Lloyd towards the First Spinjitzu Master knows where, "Kai?" He didn't respond again so Lloyd just gave up trying and just let Kai lead him.

In a few minutes, the forest turned into a dark tunnel. It looked like a labyrinth. It seemed very familiar to him but he just couldn't place it. The terrain wasn't the only thing that changed, Kai was now holding a torch, still leading Lloyd. "Kai, where are we?" He asked in confusion.

Kai stopped to turn and look at Lloyd. He looked troubled. He showed to be hesitant before saying, "I'm sorry, Lloyd." Then he blew out his torch, "This will all make sense when it's over." He said before disappearing and leaving Lloyd in the dark.

"Kai? Kai, where are you?" Lloyd shouted out. There was no response. He closed his eyes to take a breather and when he opened them, he found himself in an arena. It looked very futuristic. He was wielding a blade, it looked digital.

He found himself looking around the arena in confusion before a figure spawned in the area in front of him. He gasped. It was Harumi. That was the moment he realized that he was in a memory. The girl in front of him wasn't Harumi, it was an avatar of Harumi.

The avatar opened her eyes, "Lloyd." She gestured with a smile.

His past self was breathless, "Ha-Harumi?" He asked.

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