Greenie - Newt

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Hello lovely readers! I'm super excited to start this book off with some Newt. He's been my favourite character ever since O discovered the series about a month ago. (I know, I'm a little late into the fandom)

So I hope you enjoy ;)

One year ago

The rattling and shaking of the cage hurt your ears and you curled in on yourself to block out the noise.

Five minutes ago you had woken up to find yourself in this predicament with no memory whatsoever of how you got there. In fact, you had no memory of where you came from in general. Or who you were for a matter of fact.

My name. What is my name? You thought , racking your brain for the information that should never have been so hard to recall.

Y/n, you thought finally, then out loud to test the feel of it on your tongue.

Suddenly the cage stopped ascending and the ceiling started opening up, making you squint in the sudden brightness. From what you could see through your slitted eyes as you peered up through the opening, there was a group of human silhouettes gathered around, looking down at you.

They were murmuring in obvious confusion when one of them jumped down and landed next to you.

Your eyes finally adjusted and you blinked at your new companion, taking in the dirty hoodie and tattered jeans. His blonde, wavy hair was thick and a little bit on the long side, flopping into his rich, brown eyes. He raised an eyebrow as he stared down at you, clearly surprised to find you there.

"What is it, Newt?" Another boy called down.

Newt then. If you weren't in such a scary situation you would think he was cute.

"It's a bloody girl!" Newt exclaimed and you were shocked—and a little pleased—to hear he had a British accent. His voice wasn't too deep, but had a sort of rough edge to it that brushed pleasantly against your ears.

"Need any help getting out?" he asked, now talking directly to you.

You stood up from your sitting position and dusted your jeans off, frowning at how rumpled your Bon Jovi T-shirt was. It was your favourite T-shirt.

Wait. It was?!

"Uh, no. I'm good, thanks. I'll manage," you said, giving him a small smile.

He nodded and started climbing out, his body moving with such ease you were sure he had done this a few times.

"Welcome to the Glade, Greenie," A tall, scary looking boy said as you emerged from the hole and stood on the grass.

You frowned as you looked around at the other people. They were all boys. And most of them were teenagers by the looks of them. By the strange looks that they were giving you, it had been a while since they'd seen a girl last.

"Where are we?" You asked Newt, preferring his polite expression from the overly curious looks from the others.

He jerked his head to the scary boy, "It's like Gally said. We're in the Glade. Where the Glade is, we don't know. We all arrived here just like you did in our own time. No memory of who we are except our names."

Your heart sped up, panic taking over, but you swallowed it down, "And why am I the only girl?"

He gave a soft chuckle, "That, I don't know. How about I take you on a tour and answer your questions as we go? Alby's busy right now, so he can't welcome you but he'll be around at some point. He's our leader, you see?"

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