Lets Never Do That Again - Newt

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  This one shot happens when the girls of Group B kidnap Thomas in The Scorch Trials. If you haven't read or seen the Scorch Trials I suggest you skip, unless your okay with spoilers, then read on!

  "Are we sure about this?" You murmured to Sonya, frowning uncertainly at the girl who you used to call a friend. This new Teresa wasn't like the sweet, fierce girl you'd met in the Glade. That Teresa would never want to kill Thomas.

  "To be honest, I don't know," Sonya replied, her big brown eyes weary. They reminded you of your boyfriend's eyes. Newt.

  He was the only reason you had agreed to join the group meant to 'kidnap' Thomas. You didn't plan on returning to the Girls' campsite.

  "You know she's one girl against twenty, right? She can't do anything if you resist."

  Sonya sighed and nodded, "I know. But she's gotten so many of the girls riled up. They all see this Thomas guy as a monster, but from what you've told me he's more like a confused kid."

  You gave a soft chuckle, your breath evaporating in the heat. In about an hour the sun would be fully up, and for the sake of your English skin you had better find shade quickly once it did.

  While you were hiking up the mountain, you thought back to the last time you'd seen Newt. It was that evening when you'd all sat in that round room and eaten pizza. Before the people who 'saved' you had taken you away to your separate room you had managed to pull Newt to the side and say goodnight to him.

  "Do you think we're safe, Newt?" you had whispered into his chest as you hugged him tightly.

  "I don't know, but at least we're out of the Maze. And we're together. That's all that matters right?" Newt replied, lifting your chin with a slender finger and pressing a soft kiss to your lips.

  You nodded, "Yeah. As long as we're together, we'll be okay."

  Unfortunately that was the last time you'd seen him. You didn't know if he was even still alive. Your heart tightened at the thought, your gut twisting at the thought of a world without Newt in it. You didn't think you could live in it. You didn't want to live in it. Not without him.

  Eventually, the party came around a turn to find the vast expanse of the Scorch in front of them and the group of boy Gladers making their way towards you.

  Your eyes scanned the faces as they got closer, looking for the shock of blonde hair that you knew so well. You made out Thomas and Minho and a brunette girl you didn't know before he came into view.

  Newt's clothes were dusty and torn in some places, but they were new ones that you'd never seen before. His skin was a little darker than you remembered, probably tanned from walking through the Scorch for over a week. You noticed—with a pang of worry—that his limp was slightly more prominent, hours of walking clearly having their effect on his bad leg. He was squinting slightly, trying to see through the darkness, but when his group got about ten metres away, his eyes locked with yours.

  They were the same shade of brown you remembered, and filled with relief at the sight of you standing before him. You had been thinking of this moment for the past week and a half. The moment when you would finally see him again. Your best friend. Your partner. The only person in this world that you would never hesitate to trust. Newt.

  Your eyes started tearing up immediately and you dropped the bow you had been holding. However, you didn't dare move towards him, knowing Teresa could easily order one of the girls to shoot if you did. Sonya gave you a funny look when you dropped your weapon, following your gaze to the boy just a few metres from you.

  Teresa started talking but you couldn't hear what she was saying, all you could do was stare at Newt, every muscle in your body screaming at you to run to him. To fly into his arms and never leave.

  He seemed to be going through the same agony, his brown eyes holding yours as he fisted his hands at his side as if to stop them from reaching out to you.

  Are you okay? He managed to mouth while the others were busy.

  You nodded and mouthed back, You?
  His nod sent a wave of relief barreling through you. He was okay. Newt was okay.

  In the Glade it had always been the two of you. Sure, you were close to some of the other Gladers, like Minho and Alby, but they had all been individuals, where you and Newt had been a combined unit. He was the first one to earn your trust when you came up in the box as the fifth Greenie. He had stayed by your side when panic had taken over your body at the realisation you were trapped in the Glade and there was nothing you could do about it. You, in turn, had done the same for him after he'd broken his leg. The two of you had come to depend on each other, it was only an amount of time before you fell for each other too. And that was what had happened.

  At some point you realised that the girls had managed to put Thomas in a sack and were tying him up.

  "Y/n, you and Harriet help carry him," Teresa ordered.

  You swallowed, standing up straight and tearing your gaze from Newt's beautiful eyes.

  "No," you said simply, staring Teresa in the eye as you did so.

  She tensed, brows furrowing in irritation, "No?"

  You crossed your arms, "I'm not going with you back to camp."

  Teresa sighed and pinched the bridge if her nose, "And why not? I thought you were my friend?"

  You gave a dry, humourless chuckle, "Oh no, Teresa. I was friends with the sweet, loyal girl who showed up in the Box with a coma. I was friends with the girl whose only concern was whether her friends were okay. I'm not friends with this girl. The girl who threatens people when she doesn't get her way and beats her best friend up before shoving him in a sack. Think about it, Teresa. Did you really think that when it came down to it, I would choose you over them?" you pointed to the Gladers, "I spent two years with those boys, surviving, trying to find a way out of that shucking Maze. They are my family, so why wouldn't my loyalty lie with them?"

  Teresa stared at you for a few moments, blue eyes unrecognisable before she shrugged, "Fine. Do what you want. Come on girls."

  As soon as the other girls started making their way back towards the mountain, you bolted for Newt. He did the same.

  The two of you met in the middle, lips crashing into each other with bruising force, but you didn't care. You had the love of your life back, and that was all that mattered. Newt's arms were a familiar, strong weight around your waist, pulling you against him as he kissed you thoroughly. You couldn't help your happiness anymore and smiled into the kiss, running your hands through his hair.

  "I missed you," he breathed against your neck when you pulled away, only to pull him into a hug.

  You smiled into his chest, tears falling freely, "I missed you too."

  "Let's never do that again, okay?" he mumbled into your hair after pressing a kiss to it.

  You could only nod in response.

  "I love you, Newt," you whispered as you pulled away.

  "I love you too."

  Lots of fluff in that one. Hope yall liked it.

  Thanks for reading ;)

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