Dylan's Cousin - Thomas

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The first Thomas! I know this is a Thomas Brodie-Sangster book, so it's not great that the first two have been Newt, but I'll get better, I promise.
Also, I know it's been a day since I last updated, but that's just because I had a few fics sitting in my notes before I started the book. This is the last of them so it'll be a little while until I update again. I start exams tomorrow and they'll go on for two weeks, so I might only get a chance to write more after I've finished all my tests.
So enjoy this TBS one shot. I'm lowkey proud of it. ;)

It was early one Saturday morning when Y/n's relationship with Thomas Brodie-Sangster shifted.

Being Dylan O'Brien's cousin, and very close friend since birth, she was pretty familiar with all of his friends. She had even followed him onto The Maze Runner set as his personal assistant to learn a bit more about the film industry. She wanted to be a director, so being able to watch Wes as he worked was very exciting.

That was also where she met Thomas.

Y/n had seen the man in a few things here and there—Love Actually (one of her favourite Christmas movies), Nanny McPhee, Nowhere Boy, etc—so she had recognised him when they first met.

"You're that adorable kid from Love Actually," was the first thing she blurted out, slightly taken aback by how attractive he had grown up.

Thomas had grinned sheepishly, the expression on his face making her heart beat slightly faster, "Yes, yes I am. And you are?"

"Y/n. I'm Dylan's cousin-slash-assistant."

"Oh yeah, Dyl told me about you," he replied, shaking her hand politely, the grin never leaving his face.

Ever since that day, Y/n had had a little crush on Thomas Brodie-Sangster. Even a year later she still got butterflies whenever he smiled in that way that made the corners of his eyes crinkle up and the crease between his brows become more prominent. There was no denying that he was very, very cute. Not to mention an absolute gentleman. The British accent was simply a bonus.

The morning of the fateful event was a beautiful one. Despite being the middle of winter, the sun shone softly outside and the birds chirped merrily. Y/n was laying in bed, hoping to get a few more minutes of sleep when someone knocked on her bedroom door.

She groaned. Only one person had the key to her apartment and that was Dylan O'Brien.

Slipping out of the warm sheets, she climbed out of bed, walking towards the closed door.

"Dylan, I swear to god, the next time you wake me up before eight o'clock I'm gonna-"

She swung the door open and cut herself off, because the person behind the door wasn't, in fact, Dylan. It was Thomas.

"Oh. Hi," she said, a blush staining her cheeks because she suddenly realised what she was wearing. Or rather, what she wasn't.

Thomas's POV

Thomas hadn't known what to expect when Dylan asked him to go fetch Y/n for the suddenly rescheduled photo shoot. Seeing as Dylan had been helping Ki with groom stuff, the guy hadn't been able to call his cousin and tell her about the time change of the shoot. So, an hour and a half before the shoot, here Thomas was, standing in front of Y/n L/n's bedroom door.

He really hadn't expected her to be dressed in so few clothes.

When she opened the door, the first thing Thomas noticed was the oversized Bon Jovi t-Shirt that hung to just beneath where he assumed her underwear ended. Beneath that line, her long, smooth legs extended towards the floor. The neckline of the shirt was too big and had slipped off her right shoulder, exposing her collarbone, and the delicate silver chain of the necklace she always wore glinted around her pale neck. Thomas swallowed.

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