Sneeze - Thomas Brodie-Sangster

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This is just a short fluff piece about you and your British, actor boyfriend.
  Also, I know Thomas had a break from acting right before lockdown and that he should technically be around 30 according to the timeline, but for the sake of the story lets say you and him are in your mid twenties.

Quarantine sucked.

It really, really sucked.

At least, that's what you'd heard. For you it was wonderful.

Before lockdown, your fiancé, Thomas was always traveling all over the world for his acting. Yes, he always came home for important dates, like your birthdays and Christmas, but that didn't stop you from missing him like crazy.

However, despite all that, you would never stop being really, really proud of him. You supported him no matter what, even if it meant he had to leave for six months. You even managed to visit him a few times. And every time you saw him your heart beat just as fast as it had the first time you met him.

  But this lockdown was like a blessing in disguise. Thomas had flown back to Britain right before the announcement was made that the country was to go into quarantine, so you and him had spent the past month in your shared apartment. This was the most time you had spent with him in months and it was fantastic. Every morning you would wake up to his presence, and then the two of you would go about your day. You worked on your writing while he kept himself busy practicing on his bass guitar and working on his motorcycle.

  In the evenings, you would cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie or a sitcom or a documentary. You would lie with your head on his chest, your legs tangle with his under the blanket. Occasionally you would FaceTime with your friends and family, being sure to keep in touch with everyone. Thomas always liked to join in on your calls with your parents and you with his. They were you're future in laws after all.

  However, there did come some days were boredom hit and there was nothing you could do about it.
  Today was one of those days.

  You were busy staring at your computer screen, suffering from writer's block when Thomas came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

  "You've been staring at that screen for half an hour, Y/n. When are you going to admit you're bored and come take a nap with me?" he mumbled into your shoulder after pressing a kiss there.

  You instantly leaned back against his chest, his familiar scent surrounding you like a cocoon, "I have to get this chapter done today or I'll never finish this bloody book by my publisher's deadline."

  He didn't seem to be paying attention anymore, as his kisses were moving higher and higher up your neck. They reached your jaw and you sighed happily, tilting your head to give him more access.

  "Do you admit defeat?" he whispered into your ear, his breath fanning over your cheek.

  You nodded and stood up, letting him pull you down the hall to your shared bedroom. The two of you lay down on the bed faving each other, foreheads touching. You held his gaze easily, admiring the warmth in his brown eyes. The slope of his nose.

  He was so pretty, it hurt to look at him. Yet, you couldn't look away.

  Suddenly, out of nowhere, your nose tingled and a sneeze broke the silence.

  Thomas jerked back in fright from the sudden noise that had burst out of your mouth. Unfortunately, in doing so, he caused himself to topple off the bed and land in a heap on the floor.

  The two of you were silent for a few moments as you inched to the edge to peer down at him. He blinked up at you blearily and something in his expression set you off. You snorted. Then you giggled, and that giggle turned into a full-blown laugh. Eventually you were clutching your stomach from laughter, tears springing to your eyes. Thomas was laughing too. He was still on the floor, one arm propping himself up. When you calmed yourself down enough to function, you helped him back onto the bed, still grinning widely.

  "So, that just happened," you stated, resting your head on his chest.

  He chuckled softly, running a hand through your hair, "Yep."

  Yes, quarantine sucked for other people. But for you and Thomas, it was wonderful.

  So what'd you think?
  Thanks for reading ;)

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