Chapter 1

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Clarke tried not to wince as she lifted her arm up to grab bandages off the shelf. She couldn’t let the cut on her side slow her down, especially because it was her own damn fault for being so stupid. She had stitched it up, bandaged it, and now she had work to do. There was always someone to tend to at camp. The delinquents couldn’t seem to keep themselves out of trouble.

“Clarke! Clarke we need you!” Her stomach dropped at the familiar words and tone of panic. It meant that someone was seriously injured. She ran out of the dropship and saw Miller sprinting towards her. He was covered in dirt, his clothing was a bit ripped, and had a few cuts on his arms, but they didn’t look too serious.

“Miller, what’s wrong? Who’s hurt?” She looked around, trying to find an injured person, but there was none.

“There was a rock slide. Jasper is completely pinned, several others are injured, I don’t know how bad. Bellamy and a few that aren’t too hurt are trying to get Jasper out.” Miller said in a hurried tone. Clarke absorbed the information, ignoring the fact that her breathing got easier as soon as Miller mentioned Bellamy, and then she sprang into action.

“Find Raven, Octavia, and Monty. I’ll get supplies.” They both ran in different directions, knowing that time was of the essence. Clarke ran back into the dropship and hurriedly packed a bag full of bandages, a needle and thread, clean rags (clean being a relative term), and moonshine. She had just finished when four people burst into the ship.
“Miller told us what happened, what do you need?” Raven said in her wonderful straight to business tone.

“I need you guys to fill up as many bottles of water as you can. Raven, Octavia, and Miller will come with me to the site of the rockslide. Monty I need you to stay here and make a crap ton of your infection fighting tea. Everyone will need to drink it when we get them back.” Monty looked like he wanted to argue but decided against it. He nodded instead and they all went to fill up bottles of water. Once they were finished, Miller led the way as they ran as quickly as possible.

They finally reached the spot where it had happened, it was worse than Clarke had imagined.

“We were standing up there when the ground gave way,”Miller said pointing up to the top of the ravine. “We all slid down along with a bunch of rocks. A few of us were buried, but we managed to get them out. Jasper was the only one we were having difficulty with.” Clarke followed his gaze and saw Jasper lying with his leg trapped underneath a huge boulder. He was conscious, but barely. Bellamy was trying to wedge a stick underneath it to move it, he had blood running down his face. He looked slightly pale but determined. Clarke tore her gaze from Bellamy to assess the entire situation. Harper was propped against a tree, her arm wrapped around her middle. Monroe’s arm was at a funny angle and her leg was bleeding. Murphy was lying motionless on the ground. There were a few other’s around, but they all seemed to have minor cuts and bruises, although she would have to check them all for concussions.

“Octavia, can you start looking after the people with minor injuries? Raven and Miller, you guys help Bellamy get that rock off of Jasper. I can’t do much until it’s off. In the meantime, I will look at the people with more serious injuries.” Clarke instructed, snapping into doctor mode. She first ran over to the unconscious Murphy. She breathed a sigh of relief when she felt a pulse, it was weak, but it was there. She found a cut on the back of his head. It didn’t need stitches, but he was going to have a nasty bump and probable concussion when he woke up. Clarke wrapped a bandage around his head to help stop the bleeding. She couldn’t do much more for his head other than wait for him to wake up. She stitched up a cut on his arm and cleaned and bandaged a few other ones. When she had done all she could for Murphy she moved on.

Clarke moved to Monroe next. She was about to pop her dislocated shoulder back in when a loud noise and a chorus of cheers came from behind her. She looked to see that they had gotten the boulder off of Jasper. Clarke quickly set Monroe’s shoulder and promised to come back and stitch up her leg.

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