Chapter 5

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Octavia broke into a huge grin when she woke up the next morning and saw Bellamy and Clarke sleeping. Their hands were still clasped together. Bellamy was leaning his head on his arm which was propped on the side of the table in a position that couldn’t have been comfortable. Yet the expression on his face was one of extreme contentment, and Octavia knew it wasn’t just because he was sleeping.

Octavia saw a movement out of the corner of her eye and looked to see Jasper sitting up and grinning widely at her. She walked over and sat next to him.

“Thank God you’re here. I’ve been up for ages, but I didn’t want to make any noise and disturb them.” Jasper complained, but Octavia could tell that he didn’t really mind.

“Has she woken up yet?”

“Yeah, last night. I pretended to still be asleep to give them privacy.” Jasper smiled mischievously

“Hear anything interesting?” Octavia quirked her eyebrow.

“Just their typical banter,” Jasper said with disappointment. Octavia rolled her eyes. When would those crazy kids realize that they were madly in love with each other?


Clarke woke up with a sweaty hand, but she did not remove it from Bellamy’s. Instead, she found her fingers curling tighter around his. She jumped a little when she felt his tighten back. Bellamy lifted up his head and looked at her through sleepy eyes.

“Good morning, Princess.” He said in a rough voice. He took his hand away from hers and used it to run through his messy curls. Clarke felt a weird sense of loss of the warmth of his hand. She tried to sit up but winced as she felt the pain in her side. Bellamy gently put his hand on her shoulder and pushed her back down. “I am ordering you to bed rest for the day. We can take care of checking up on the injured.” Bellamy said, gesturing to the now awake people in the ship.
“But…” Clarke tried to protest, but she was cut off by Monty.

“We can handle it Clarke. And if there is anything we can’t handle we will bring them here and you can talk us through it.”

“We need you to rest and recover, Princess. We need our doctor in full health.” Bellamy said, his hand still on her shoulder. Every instinct that Clarke had told her to ignore Bellamy’s verdict of a day of rest. There was so much that needed to be done. So much that she needed to do. She couldn’t afford to lay around all day. She would go crazy doing nothing, it was not in her nature.

However, she knew that she did need to give her side time to heal. And she knew that they were all fully capable of taking care of  the minor cuts and injuries around camp. Plus she also knew that there was no arguing with Bellamy when he set his mind to something, especially when he was wearing the expression that was currently on his face. Clarke sighed and relaxed fully against the table.

“Fine, but make sure you come to me the second you are unsure about something.” She said. Bellamy smiled and removed his hand.

“Whatever you say Princess.”

“Make sure you make a new brace and maybe some crutches for Jasper. The poor boy is probably going crazy being cooped up in here.” 

“It’s not that bad. Plus today I’ll have you for company.” Jasper said with a smile. Clarke threw him a look that was less than enthused.


Bellamy wiped the sweat off of his brow as he stepped out of the sweltering tent. No wonder Clarke had run herself dry, this was hard work. He and Raven had taken over Clarke’s duties while everyone else took care of making sure the camp continued to run smoothly. Even with splitting the work, he and Raven had spent a few hours straight checking up on the injuries sustained in the rock fall, plus patching up a few idiots who had injured themselves in various stupid ways. Bellamy certainly had a new appreciation for Clarke.

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