Chapter 2

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The journey back took an excruciatingly long time. With all the injuries and the stretchers, they had to move slowly. To make matters worse, Clarke realized that her side was hurting her. She had been so focused on helping people that she had forgotten about her cut. She had probably reopened her stitches with all of the moving around she did. She made a mental note to check it when they got back to camp.

She readjusted her grip on the boy, named Alec, whom she was supporting. He had his arm around her shoulder and she had hers around his waist. He had twisted his ankle, not too bad, but bad enough that he needed help walking. The had stopped a few times to rest and between that and the slow pace it was dark by the time they all got back. Everyone ran up to them the second they made through the gate, Monty at the head.

“Is everyone okay? Is Jasper okay?” He asked Clarke, but before she could answer he saw Jasper on the stretcher and ran over to him. Clarke passed Alec over to Fox and looked around at the worried faces of the Delinquents.

“Everyone is going to be okay.” She took a moment to reassure them all before begin to give directions. “Everyone who was in the slide needs to have a cup of Monty’s tea every day for the next two weeks. We don’t want any infections. Put Murphy and Jasper in the dropship. Everyone else can stay in their tents. But everyone please take it easy until your injuries are healed. I'll be checking up on everyone tomorrow.” Clarke then followed the stretchers into the dropship and trusted Raven and Octavia and Monty to get everyone the tea and settled. Once the two boys were settled everyone but Bellamy and Miller left the ship. Clarke went over to check on Jasper.

“How are you doing?”

“Hurts like hell, but only when I move,” Jasper said with a smile. Clarke was thankful for his sunny disposition. He was going to be immobile for a while and it would help her greatly if he continued to be this carefree about it.

“Would one of you get some of Monty’s tea?” Clarke asked turning to Miller and Bellamy. She saw Miller leave before moving on to check on Murphy. She lifted up his head to feel for his cut, she was grateful to see that it had stopped bleeding, but just as predicted a huge bump was forming. She laid his head gently back down on the makeshift pillow and brushed hair off of the boy’s forehead.

“It’s bad that he hasn’t woken up yet, isn’t it?” Clarke jumped slightly at the sound of Bellamy’s voice next to her. She hadn’t noticed him approach, although now his presence was so overwhelming she didn’t know how she hadn’t sensed it. She took a step away from him and looked up at him. He gazed at Murphy with a look of concern for a few seconds before meeting her eyes.

“Not necessarily, if he hasn’t woken up by tomorrow then I will start worrying, but head injuries take a varying amount of time to heal,” Clarke said, hoping she sounded more optimistic than she felt. Truth was she was nervous and the worst part was that she could do nothing to help Murphy.

“You should get some sleep,” Bellamy said, his concerned expression back, but this time directed at Clarke.

“I will, but I’m going to sleep in here in case he wakes up.”

“I’ll stay with you.”

“No, that’s not necessary, you are injured too, you need a good night sleep.”

“You need a good night sleep too, you’re starting to look like a ghost.”

“I’m staying here.”

“So am I,” Bellamy said firmly. Clarke knew there was no changing his mind and she didn’t have any more energy to argue.

“Fine, you can sleep there.” Clarke gestured to the pile of blankets that she had used as a bed more than once. Bellamy walked over and sat on top of them. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by Miller entering the drop ship.

“Great, could you make sure Jasper and Bellamy get some. Make sure you drink some as well. And if you could leave a cup for Murphy to drink when he wakes up that would be great.” Miller nodded and followed her instructions. After he was finished she took the thermos from him and put her hand on his arm. “Thank you, now go get some sleep.” She said softly. Miller smiled at her gratefully and left the ship. Clarke turned around to find Jasper sound asleep and Bellamy leaning against the wall like he was about to fall asleep at any second. Clarke sat next to where Murphy lay.
“Crazy day huh?” Bellamy murmured.

“Not our craziest, but definitely not one I would want to be repeating any time soon,” Clarke said and Bellamy chuckled softly.

“Every time I think we’ve figured out this whole Earth thing it throws something new in our face.”

“I don’t think we will ever figure out all of it’s secrets,” Clarke said with a sigh.

“Yeah, probably not. Everyone’s going to be okay you know.” Bellamy’s sudden switch of topic left Clarke confused.


“All of our people, and everyone who was in the rockslide today, they are all going to be okay. I can practically feel your anxiety from over here.”

“I just feel so responsible for all of them.”

“Yeah, I know exactly how you feel. You’ve done an amazing job Princess. Everyone here is alive three times over because of you.”
“Right back at you,” Clarke said, trying to make out his expression in the dim lighting.

“Get some sleep princess. We need our doctor at 100%.” Bellamy said as he lay down and situated himself on the blankets.

“Goodnight Bellamy,” She said but remained sitting. She wasn’t ready to fall asleep yet. She listened to the sounds of the three boys' steady breathing. In the quiet, without any distractions, Clarke felt her side begin to ache again. She was too comfortable and too sleepy to look at it now. As her eyes drifted closed she promised herself she would look at it in the morning.


Clarke woke up a few hours later. She could tell that it wasn’t morning and that something had woken her up. She looked over to see that Murphy was awake, he must’ve shifted and woke her up.

“Clarke?” He whispered.

“Murphy, you’re awake, thank god. How are you feeling?”

“Like I got pelted with rocks and thrown down a 20 foot drop.” He groaned as he tried to sit up.

“No, lie still. You hit your head pretty hard. You’ve been out for a while. Let me get you some water and some of Monty’s infection preventing tea.” Clarke stood up and got the items as well as brought the lantern closer to the two of them. She lifted up his head gently and helped him drink both the water and the tea. He lay back with a sigh.

“Thanks.” Then he turned his head and looked at her, “I think you look as bad as I feel. Seriously when is the last time you got a good night sleep? I don’t think those circles beneath your eyes could get any darker if you spread ash on them.”

“Okay Murphy I get it, I look tired.” Clarke said with a slight laugh.

“You look a bit more than tired.”

“You’ve made your point” Clarke said. It wasn’t a mean tone of voice, but it let Murphy know that didn’t want to talk about it any more. With a sigh he switched topics.

“Is everyone else okay?”

“Yes, Jasper was the worst off. He broke his leg and I’m hoping there are no complications. Everyone else just had cuts, bruises, concussions. There was a twisted ankle and dislocated shoulder. But miraculously everyone made it out alright.”

“Good, that’s good.” Murphy’s voice sounded tired and his eyes kept drifting closed.

“I will tell you more in the morning. Get some sleep Murphy.”

“I will if you will.” He said, deliberately opening his eyes fully and staring her down. “A princess needs her beauty sleep.”

“Fine, I’ll sleep.” Clarke said after a few moments, but Murphy kept staring her down.

“You would probably sleep better laying down.” He said finally. With a huff Clarke lay down and closed her eyes.

“Better?” She asked, keeping her eyes shut.

“Much, goodnight Princess.”

“Night Murphy.”

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