Chapter 3

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Bellamy woke up well into the next morning. He looked in shock at the sunlight streaming through the canvas hung in the doorway. He couldn’t believe he has slept so long and so soundly. He must have been more wiped out than he thought. He sat up and wiped the sleep out of his eyes. He looked around and saw that Murphy was sitting up and draping a blanket across the sleeping Clarke. A smile spread across his face, he was glad to see that his friend was alright. He started to say something, but Murphy caught his eye and put his finger to his lips, gesturing at Clarke. Murphy stood up and walked out of the ship and Bellamy followed suit. Once outside, Murphy started speaking in hushed tones.

“She’s finally asleep and we should do all we can to keep it that way. I woke up several times throughout the night and each time she was awake and getting me water. I don’t know when she finally fell asleep.” Bellamy groaned at the news, it confirmed what he had suspected. Clarke was working too hard and not taking care of herself. “Is she okay?” Murphy asked.

“I hope so, I think she is just tired and working herself to the bone,” Bellamy said with a shake of his head. “We’ll have to keep an eye on her.”

“Of course.” Murphy nodded his head and then winced.

“How are you doing?”

“My head aches like hell, but nothing I can’t deal with.”

“I’m glad you’re okay Murphy,” Bellamy said sincerely. He took a moment to marvel at how far the two of them had come. They had gone from “Whatever the hell we want” to fiercely protecting their people in what seemed like a short amount of time.

“I’m glad you and everyone else is okay too,” Murphy said with a small smile. “Looks like everyone else decided to sleep in as well.” He said looking around the camp. Bellamy followed his gaze and saw that other than a few people, no one else was around.

“Yeah well everyone had a stressful day yesterday. I figure they could all use a break.” Bellamy said. “Hey, I’m just going to freshen up and check on guard duty and all of that,” Bellamy added when he realized how grubby he felt. He had dirt everywhere and still had blood in his hair. “You take it easy and make sure the Princess isn’t disturbed alright?”

“Yeah okay,” Murphy said and the two boys headed their separate ways.


Bellamy returned to the dropship a while later feeling considerably better, that is until he heard Clarke's raised voice coming from the inside. He hurried up the ramp and pushed aside the fabric. He was greeted by a humorous scene. The tiny Clarke had Murphy backed against a wall, she pushed her finger into his chest. The normally sassy boy was silent and his eyes held just a hint of fear. Jasper was lying on his bed with his eyes half open. Bellamy guessed he was pretending to be asleep to escape Clarke’s wrath but couldn’t resist getting a peak of the action. Bellamy took another step inside the ship and Murphy caught sight of him.

“Bellamy, thank God.” At his words, Clarke stepped back and whirled to face Bellamy. Bellamy put his hands up in a gesture of surrender.

“Clarke, what’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong is you two dimwits decided to let me sleep. It’s almost afternoon! I have patients to see to, I can’t just sleep around all day. How could you let me sleep!” Clarke took a few steps towards him as she yelled. He resisted the urge to bolt and instead took a step towards her.

“We let everyone sleep in, most of the people that were in the slide are still sleeping. You’ve been working hard Clarke, we thought you deserved the sleep.” 

“You don’t get to decide what I deserve. I have concussion patients who needed to be woken up and checked, I have over a dozen wounds to rebandage and check for infection, I need to make sure that Alec's leg stopped swelling, and I need to make Jasper a proper brace to ensure that his leg heals correctly. I can’t afford to sleep in.” Now that they were so close she wasn’t yelling anymore, but her words still held the same intensity.

“Clarke everyone knows how to deal with concussions. We appointed a person per tent to wake up and check the people in the slide. The cuts and Jasper’s brace could wait a few hours. Nothing is going to happen because you slept a bit.” Bellamy tried to rationalize with her to calm her down.

“It could’ve, something could’ve happened.”

“And we would’ve woken you up immediately.” Bellamy reached out and took both of her arms, rubbing his hands up and down them in a comforting gesture. “I’m sorry we didn’t wake you, but there was no need to interrupt the first solid amount of sleep you have gotten in ages.” Bellamy felt Clarke lean into his hands and saw the anger slip off of her face. He met Murphy’s eyes above Clarke’s head and they exchanged a relieved look. Bellamy dropped his hands and took a small step back. 

“Okay fine, but I really should do rounds now. And we probably should get everyone up. We can have a lazy day today, but we should try not to mess up our sleep schedules too bad. Plus we need food for dinner tonight, and I am running out of supplies, and…”
“I got it Princess," Bellamy said wryly. "You go see to your patients, I’ll take care of things around camp.” Clarke shot him a grateful look and walked over to her supply shelves.

“Make sure whoever restocks gets plenty of bandages. I want to wrap Jasper’s leg up completely. And if someone could cut pieces of wood that are straighter and flatter to attach that would be great.”
“Got it, anything else?”

“Have Monty go with them. See if he can find any more of those plants that help with pain. Harper’s ribs are probably killing her and there isn’t much I can do other than try to dull the pain.”

“Okay.” Bellamy nodded. Clarke listed off a few other things she needed and he made a mental note of all of them. When she finally had finished she gathered her supplies she left to go check on the injured.

“Dude,” Jasper spoke up when she had left. “Did you see the look on Murphy’s face?”

“Shut up,” Murphy said, but there was no malice behind the words. “I’m glad Bellamy came in when he did, she is terrifying.” Bellamy had to agree with him on that one.

“Come on” He clapped Murphy on the shoulder. “What do you say we get this camp moving, feeling up to some hunting?”

“Hell yes.” They started to walk out when Jasper called out from behind them.

“You guy’s have fun, I’ll just be here.”

“We’ll send in Octavia or someone to keep you company Jasper. And we’ll get you that new brace soon so you can be a bit more mobile.” Bellamy promised.

Once outside he got to work getting people up and separating the uninjured ones into teams. He and Murphy headed up the hunting team while Monty and Miller headed up the team collecting medical and other supplies. He left Raven and Octavia in charge of things at camp with specific instructions keep Jasper company.

They had a stroke of luck while hunting and after a few hours were able to find enough game to feed everyone extremely well. They brought back their prizes and started preparing them. Bellamy went in search of Clarke. He found her in the dropship with Jasper and Octavia.

“Hey big brother, you guys get us dinner?”

“Plenty of it.” He said with a grin, but his smile quickly faded when he got a good look at Clarke. The first thing he noticed was that Clarke was extremely pale and sweaty. She didn’t just look overtired, she looked sick. “Clarke…” He started but abruptly cut off when she started to sway on her feet. Time seemed to move in slow motion as she fell.

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