How You Sleep..

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When you and Thomas first fall asleep you are both sharing the blanket, however in the middle of the night Thomas decides it best to make a cocoon for himself in it. You wake up freezing, trying to pull the blanket from him. He stirs enough to realize what you want, he then opens his arms and you cuddle into him. Now warm and asleep.


You two start out on opposite sides of the bed. There's really no apparent reason, it just happens that way. In the middle of the night Minho puts his arm around your waist and pulls you as close to him as humanly possible. He holds you like that even after he wakes up, he loves watching you wake up and he does it every morning.


Newt likes to take up the whole bed. He spreads out like a starfish and it forces you basically sleep on top of him. Not that he minds. Your head on his chest and you fingers hooked into his belt loops, you sleep peacefully. Occasionally he'll slip his arms around you and rock back and forth. Making sure you know how much he cares for you.


Gally is a huge cuddler. He loves holding you in his arms and knowing you're there. Sometimes you sleep on top of him or he spoons with you, but no matter what, you both always end up in a tangled mess of limbs. Gally being the giant he is, makes it almost inevitable. Usually it's you telling Gally he needs to untangle himself from you and go to work. He'd stay snuggled up next to you all day if he could.

AN: Two updates in one day. Sorry this is so short but I like it. Remember Vote, Comment, and Request!

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