Chapter 26: Sealing the Curse Mark

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Chunin Exams Round 2 was completed. All those who had passed the round were standing in the training ground in the tower. 7 teams- 21 Genin- were facing their Jounin Senseis, and some Konoha shinobi (Chunin and Jounin). Leading them was the Hokage, guarded by a couple of ANBU.

The Hokage stepped forward, "Congratulations to all those genin present here for passing the round 2 of the Chunin Exams. As the Kage of the village hosting the exams, it is only appropriate for me to wish you all good luck for the final round, and also explain the tradition of the Chunin Exams. The Chunin exams are some of the events of union of various villages, especially the five elemental nations, even though some may not be allies exactly. Even though we have left behind the era of wars and the great shinobi wars, we still wage battles indirectly. Shinobi Chunin and Jounin Exams, are, while being the tests that allow eligible shinobi to gain the respective titles, are platforms for wars within the villages, where the participants are the ones that do the fighting, within certain rules and restrictions to maintain peace and decorum within the nations and prevent further wars. These exams are the peaceful versions of war. 

Like information gathering: It's true the Bingo book provides information on potential threats and enemies, but one can never know the true power of the enemy till one meets them face-to-face. Not always is every piece information handed down in silver platter. The exams are to ensure that this point is not missed."- a slight glance towards Kabuto, who also felt a pair of eyes glaring holes from someone behind [Courtesy of Naru-chan].

"The deeper part of politics of the exams need not be said to young genin yet. Let's move on to the third exams." As if on cue, a jounin let everyone know his presence. He wore the traditional Konoha Jounin dress, a bandanna on the head, his face paler than healthy with his eyes showing that he was sick. His brief coughing fits only proved the point.

"I'm Gekko Hayate and I am the proctor of the next round of the exam which is NOT the third round."- a shout of indignance from the genin- "Since the number of genin qualified is higher than anticipated, there will be a preliminary round now. Those who wish to forfeit can step back now itself." 

Sakura turned to Sasuke with a worried look. She thought back to the events that happened after they arrived at the tower.


Sasuke was resting. They had arrived few hours ago. Each of the three were offered different rooms, but Sakura preferred to stay close to Sasuke, being the fangirl she was, and volunteered to take care of him. Sasuke was too tired passive to protest. She shifted between tending to her needs, resting and smoothing out her roughly chopped hair. Naruto was resting in the other room. She had a 'spark' of thought of checking 'him' when it was doused by a knock at the door. She opened it to see Kakashi. "Yo!" He gave her a two-finger salute. Sasuke woke up, "Hn." "Hello Sensei, what brings you here?"

"Why Sakura? Can't I visit my chibi genin without any reason?" Kakashi replied, mock-hurt. The two genin were annoyed at his antics and did not fail to show it on their faces. He sighed, 'Why am I doing this again? Where is Naruto when you need him?' "I came to congratulate you guys for coming so far. Not to mention your life-threatening battle with a maniac of a shinobi. I'm proud and happy you guys made it so far, and are safe and sound."

"Sensei, that shinobi was saying creepy things-" Sakura began , but Kakashi cut her off, "It's okay Sakura. The matter is being investigated, and I need to talk to Sasuke about the damage done to him and the danger he might be in." It was about the curse mark, Sakura understood. Sasuke 'hn'ed and went after Kakashi who left with a "Ja'ne!".

The two went to the Sandaime a floor above the rooms, "Sandaime-sama." Kakashi greeted as he bowed. Sasuke bowed but didn't say anything. "Kakashi-kun, Sasuke-kun, good to see you. Your team has done well Sasuke." Sasuke felt slightly insulted to be complimented as a team, but this was the Hokage, so he kept his mouth shut. "Sasuke-kun, can you show me the neck?" The Hokage asked and he complied. "Hmm." The old man examined. "I'll check for any counter-seals for this. Bring him back tomorrow." He told Kakashi. The duo left, Sasuke began training, while Kakashi left to get some rest after a day of hard-work and two annoying genin.

Sakura saw Sasuke returning at night and they retired. The next day, Sasuke went out to train, appeared for a couple of 10 minute- breaks for food and was out for the rest of the time, only to appear at night with the curse seal modified. "Sasuke-kun, this mark-" "Don't bother Sakura." "But Sasuke-kun-" "Enough." And Sakura, knowing that pushing the topic would get her thrown out of the room, left the topic alone.

Flashback end

Naruto was seeing if anybody would chicken out. Sasuke was too stubborn to do so and Sakura followed him. The curse mark was temporarily okay with the seal Kakashi fixed, but it all depends on Sasuke's will.


"Jiji, the original wanted to ask if Uchiha Sasuke's curse mark has been looked at." The clone Naruto asked. "Yes, he was looked at yesterday. I asked Kakashi to bring him today after I check for any counter seals, but I haven't searched, thanks to Orochimaru's chaos causing me a headache .Not that I haven't had enough already." "Now, Jiji, don't be so down. What am I here for? To help you, right? Leave the seals to me. I only want you to provide assistance and acquaintance as Hokage. Moreover, I won't be coming over as myself. I'll meet you today at 6 in the evening, and you can ask Kakashi to bring Sasuke at  6:15."

6:00 pm: The Tower in Training Ground 44:

Sarutobi heard a knock at the door as he sat in his office in the top floor. "Come in." The door opened to reveal a brown haired chunin with brown eyes. His hair was short and curly. He looked about 15 years old. The Hokage was puzzled, he didn't recognise this shinobi, and as Hokage, he knew every shinobi in his village. 

"Hokage-sama, it's me Hyoko Takuma. I had asked you meet me here at 6 in the evening." The old man simply raised a brow. The teen continued, "I've also asked you to tell Kakashi to bring Sasuke 15 minutes from now. I've got a seal that will be performed by Kakashi-san." Hiruzen, realized who this boy was.

"Nar-" "Takuma, Hokage-sama!" Naruto- no Takuma warned. "This is the reason I've asked you to summon Sasuke a short while later. You need to be acquainted with me and the seal." Sarutobi did not resist the laughter bubbling in his chest. "Hai, Takuma-kun. Now tell me what it is." Takuma explained what the seal was about. "Please summon them now, Hokage-sama." "ANBU!" the Hokage flared his chakra, calling out to one ANBU via the special tattoo on their forearms. An eagle-masked ANBU appeared. "Summon Hatake Kakashi and Uchiha Sasuke." The ANBU left and a couple of minutes later, a silver-haired jounin came along with his raven-haired student.

The Hokage said, "Kakashi-kun, Sasuke-kun's Curse Seal of Heaven will be restricted with the Evil Sealing Method, that shall be placed by you. Takuma here, will check and study the curse seal to prevent any future problems. You can proceed now, Takuma-kun." Takuma took Sasuke and and made him sit on a chair. He positioned himself as to shield Sasuke from the two older shinobi.

He discreetly put a numbing seal on Sasuke, rendering him unconscious. Takuma went through hand seals and seals by brush strokes on Sasuke's body and on a scroll.After 15 minutes of checking, he wiped off the extra ink on Sasuke's body and removed the numbing seal. He turned towards the Hokage and nodded. Hiruzen turned to Kakashi, "Kakashi-kun, with your knowledge of the Evil Sealing Method and Jounin-level Chakra reserves, it's best you perform the seal on Sasuke-kun. You are his Jounin-sensei after all."

Kakashi nodded and began performing the seal on Sasuke. It was supposed to be painful for Sasuke. Hence Takuma removed the numbing seal, to prevent anyone (i.e., others in the room, but especially Kakashi) from prying too much in case Sasuke didn't feel pain.

Sasuke was unconscious for about three hours. When he woke up, he woke up left to retire in his room. The other three went their separate ways.

Flashback no Jutsu- Kai! 

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